Burkina Faso and Haiti
Let us pray for the victims of the recent attacks on places of worship in Burkina Faso; as well as for the people of Haiti, where crimes and kidnappings by armed gangs continue. Pope Francis
Let us pray for the victims of the recent attacks on places of worship in Burkina Faso; as well as for the people of Haiti, where crimes and kidnappings by armed gangs continue. Pope Francis
Good and Loving Father, Because we have been saved by your Son Jesus, the deceiver and father of lies hates us and stirs up persecution that, from the time of Jesus and of the early Church, continues to this day. The martyrs have had the grace to confess Jesus to the end, unto death. They … Read moreMonthly Prayer For the martyrs of our day, witnesses to Christ
Let us pray together for the many civilians who have fallen victim to wars that unfortunately still cause bloodshed in the world, such as those in the Middle East and Ukraine. May their cry of pain touch the hearts of world leaders and give rise to projects for peace. Pope Francis
Lord Jesus, who through the parable of the Good Samaritan taught us to take care of those who suffer: When authentic values and the duties of human and Christian solidarity and fraternity have been lost and life is valued only for its efficiency and usefulness, to the point of considering discarded or unworthy lives those … Read moreMonthly Prayer For the terminally ill
The coming months will lead us to the opening of the Holy Door, with which we will begin the Jubilee. I ask you to intensify your prayer to prepare us to live well this event of grace, and to experience the strength of God’s hope. Therefore, today we begin the Year of Prayer; that is, … Read moreYear of Prayer
Unfortunately, the celebration of Christmas in Nigeria was marked by serious violence in the State of Plateau, with many victims. I am praying for them and their families. May God free Nigeria from these atrocities! And I am also praying for all those who lost their lives in the explosion of the tanker truck in … Read moreNigeria and Liberia
Today we celebrate the 57th World Day of Peace, with the theme “Artificial Intelligence and Peace”. Let us pray together that these new technologies may serve our human family and help us build paths of fraternity Pope Francis
Holy Spirit, who builds the unity of the Church and shows your infinite creativity through the diversity of charisms, fill the Church with your gifts, according to the marvelous God’s Providence design, so that we may learn to appreciate the gifts of others and work together for the good of all, sharing our charisms at … Read moreMonthly Prayer For the gift of diversity in the Church
I am close with affection and prayer to the suffering people. I encourage the emergency services, and invoke the blessing of the blessing of the Almighty upon all, so that He might bring comfort and relief in their sorrow. Pope Francis
Let us not forget our brothers and sisters who are suffering because of war. As Christmas approaches, may the dedication to open paths of peace be strengthened. Let us pray together before the Nativity scene for children who will experience a difficult Christmas in places where there is war, in refugee camps, in situations of … Read moreChristmas for peace