For peace
I renew my appeal, especially to government leaders who profess Christianity, to make every effort in negotiations to put an end to all ongoing conflicts. Let us pray for peace in martyred Ukraine, in Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Myanmar, Sudan, and North Kivu.
Pope Francis
Democratic Republic of Congo
I am concerned about the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. I urge all parties to cease hostilities and safeguard civilians. I pray for peace and call on local and international authorities to commit to resolving the conflict peacefully.
Pope Francis
For peace in Gaza
I express my gratitude to all the mediators. It is a good job, to mediate so that peace is made. Thank you to the mediators! And I also thank all the parties involved in this important result. I hope that what has been agreed will be respected immediately by the parties, and that all the hostages may finally return home and embrace their loved ones. I pray a lot for them and for their families.
Pope Francis
For peace
Let us not forget to pray for peace. Let us not forget war-torn Ukraine, or Nazareth, Israel. Let us not forget all countries at war. We should pray fervently for peace. And let us always remember that war is, without exception, a defeat.
Pope Francis
For peace and reconciliation
I express my grateful appreciation to all those in the many areas of conflict who work for dialogue and negotiations. Let us pray that the fighting will cease on every front, and that there will be a decisive effort for peace and reconciliation.
Pope Francis
Monthly Prayer For vocations to the priesthood and religious life
Good Father, You keep calling young people to serve Christ’s mission in priestly and religious life, teach us to welcome their doubts and desires. We ask You to grant us greater openness and closeness to their questions, with attentive and selfless listening, so we can better accompany their discernment with renewed freedom and enthusiasm. As an ecclesial community, may we cultivate a joyful, courageous, authentic, and inspiring vocational ministry. Focusing on Jesus and His kingdom, and driven by the Holy Spirit, may we create favorable conditions for the ‘gospel of vocation’ to ignite the hearts of those open to Your call. Amen.
Monthly Prayer for the right to an education
Good Father, You want all of us to contribute to building a better world, creating bridges instead of walls. Today, we especially pray for migrants, refugees, and those affected by wars, whose rights to education are often threatened, that they may be respected and protected. Following the example of the Heart of Your Son, Jesus, help us to cultivate welcoming societies, promoting and integrating those who have had to leave their support networks out of necessity. Give us Your Spirit of boldness, so that our words and actions responsibly strengthen the safety of those we are called to embrace because of their inherent dignity. Amen.
In the Midst of Fatima: An Expression of Church Universal
As I head off to my Pilgrimage and Journeying ‘experiment’ starting in Ponte de Barca, I reflect on the whirlwind of activities that has happened that past couple of days. In particular, I reflect on my experiences of my pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary in Fatima. Fatima is a place … Read moreIn the Midst of Fatima: An Expression of Church Universal