Monthly Prayer For the terminally ill

Lord Jesus, who through the parable of the Good Samaritan taught us to take care of those who suffer: When authentic values and the duties of human and Christian solidarity and fraternity have been lost and life is valued only for its efficiency and usefulness, to the point of considering discarded or unworthy lives those that do not meet this criteria, we ask you that we may always know how to recognize the intangible value of human life and its dignity in every situation, even in precariousness and fragility.

Transform the gaze of our heart, so that compassion may never be lacking in it, so that we learn to be moved, to look and to get involved in what we observe, to stop and take care of what is happening, without passing by.

We ask that the terminally ill shall be always accompanied by qualified medical, psychological and spiritual support and that they always have someone close to them who looks them in the eye, who holds their hand, who shows them tenderness and cares for them, so that they can live with dignity, and comforted by the closeness of their loved ones, the final phase of their earthly life.

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