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Huấn Luyện Huynh Trưởng Cấp 1
Vào Sa Mạc Huấn Luyện để làm gì?
Những kiến thức căn bản người Công Giáo cần biết và những kiến thức cho các thành viên của Phong Trào
Basic knowledge for Catholics and general information for members of EYM
Làm thế nào tôi biết tôi có ơn gọi làm Huynh Trưởng trong Phong Trào Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể?
This is an open book exam to evaluate the knowledge on the Mass and Sacraments. You can retake the exam until you get at least 80% mark. The quiz will be closed by 23:59 ET on July 16, 2023. Please use the name and email you registered for Sa Mac Emmaus I
This is an open book exam to evaluate the knowledge on Spirit, Creed and Church. You can retake the exam until you get at least 80% mark. The quiz will be closed by 23:59 ET on July 16, 2023. Please use the name and email you registered for Sa Mac Emmaus I
Basic Knowledge
Spirit, Creed, and Church
Mass and Sacraments
EYM seeks to guide children and young people into a loving, ‘heart to heart’ relationship with Jesus, based on a Eucharistic spirituality.
TNTT hướng dẫn thanh thiếu niên sống trong tình yêu thương mật thiết với Chúa Giêsu, theo linh đạo Thánh thể.
Every month Pope Francis entrusts his Worldwide Prayer Network with prayer intentions that express his great concerns for humanity and for the mission of the Church. His monthly prayer intention is a global summons to transform our prayers into “concrete actions”; it is a compass for a mission of compassion for the world.
Today we recall Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, patron of Catholic youth, a young man full of love for God and neighbour who died very young, here in Rome, because he was taking care of plague victims. I entrust the young people of the entire world to his intercession. Pope Francis
Here’s how El Niño will influence your weather over the next couple of months