For the abolition of the death penalty – The Pope Video 09 – September 2022
We pray that the death penalty, which attacks the dignity of the human person, may be legally abolished in every country.
We pray that the death penalty, which attacks the dignity of the human person, may be legally abolished in every country.
We pray for small and medium sized businesses; in the midst of economic and social crisis, may they find ways to continue operating, and serving their communities.
We pray for the elderly, who represent the roots and memory of a people; may their experience and wisdom help young people to look towards the future with hope and responsibility.
We pray for Christian families around the world; may they embody and experience unconditional love and advance in holiness in their daily lives.
We pray for all young people, called to live life to the fullest; may they see in Mary’s life the way to listen, the depth of discernment, the courage that faith generates, and the dedication to service.