Mon 15 August

Mon 15 August

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary First reading Apocalypse 11:19,12:1-6,10 A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman adorned with the sun The sanctuary of God in heaven opened and the ark of the covenant could be seen inside it. Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, adorned with the sun, standing … Read moreMon 15 August

Sun 14 August

Sun 14 August

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time First reading Jeremiah 38:4-6,8-10 ‘Do not let the prophet die’ The king’s leading men spoke to the king. ‘Let Jeremiah be put to death: he is unquestionably disheartening the remaining soldiers in the city, and all the people too, by talking like this. The fellow does not have the welfare … Read moreSun 14 August

Sat 13 August

Sat 13 August

Saturday of week 19 in Ordinary Time, or Saints Pontian, Pope, and Hippolytus, Priest, Martyrs , or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary First reading Ezekiel 18:1-10,13,30-32 You, not your children, will suffer for your sins: so repent, and live The word of the Lord was addressed to me as follows:‘Why do you keep … Read moreSat 13 August

Fri 12 August

Fri 12 August

Friday of week 19 in Ordinary Time, or Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious First reading Ezekiel 16:1-15,60,63 I clothed you with my own splendour but you made yourself a prostitute The word of the Lord was addressed to me as follows, ‘Son of man, confront Jerusalem with her filthy crimes. Say, “The Lord says … Read moreFri 12 August

Thu 11 August

Thu 11 August

Saint Clare, Virgin First reading Philippians 3:8-14 I look on everything as so much rubbish if only I can have Christ I believe nothing can happen that will outweigh the supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For him I have accepted the loss of everything, and I look on everything as so much … Read moreThu 11 August

Wed 10 August

Wed 10 August

Saint Laurence, Deacon, Martyr First reading 2 Corinthians 9:6-10 God loves a cheerful giver Do not forget: thin sowing means thin reaping; the more you sow, the more you reap. Each one should give what he has decided in his own mind, not grudgingly or because he is made to, for God loves a cheerful … Read moreWed 10 August

Tue 9 August

Tue 9 August

Tuesday of week 19 in Ordinary Time, or Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), Virgin, Martyr First reading Ezekiel 2:8-3:4 He gave me the scroll to eat and it was as sweet as honey I, Ezekiel, heard a voice speaking. It said, ‘You, son of man, listen to the words I say; do … Read moreTue 9 August

Mon 8 August

Mon 8 August

Saint Dominic, Priest First reading 1 Corinthians 2:1-10 The wisdom that God predestined to be for our glory Brothers, when I came to you, it was not with any show of oratory or philosophy, but simply to tell you what God had guaranteed. During my stay with you, the only knowledge I claimed to have … Read moreMon 8 August

Sun 7 August

Sun 7 August

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time First reading Wisdom 18:6-9 You made us glorious by calling us to you That night had been foretold to our ancestors, so that,once they saw what kind of oaths they had put their trust in,they would joyfully take courage.This was the expectation of your people,the saving of the virtuous and … Read moreSun 7 August

Sat 6 August

Sat 6 August

The Transfiguration of the Lord First reading Daniel 7:9-10,13-14 His robe was white as snow As I watched:Thrones were set in placeand one of great age took his seat.His robe was white as snow,the hair of his head as pure as wool.His throne was a blaze of flames,its wheels were a burning fire.A stream of … Read moreSat 6 August

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