Sea Sunday
Today we celebrate Sea Sunday, dedicated to seafarers and fishermen. I pray for them and their families, as well as for those who are committed to freeing the seas from pollution. Pope Francis
Today we celebrate Sea Sunday, dedicated to seafarers and fishermen. I pray for them and their families, as well as for those who are committed to freeing the seas from pollution. Pope Francis
Jesus, Bread of Life Every time we receive you in the Eucharist, You come to give new meaning to our weaknesses, and You remind us how valuable we are in your eyes. Through frequent participation of this sacrament, we unite more and more to you, and we assimilate to your way of living, your ability … Read moreMonthly Prayer For a Eucharistic life
I am very saddened by what happened a few days ago in the women’s Penitentiary Centre in Honduras. I pray for the deceased and for their families. May the Virgin of Suyapa, Mother of Honduras, help hearts to open themselves to reconciliation and brotherhood even within prisons. Pope Francis
Let’s pray together for the many victims of the railway accident that occurred two days ago in India. I am close to the wounded and their families. May the heavenly Father welcome the souls of the deceased into his Kingdom. Pope Francis
Father of mercy, you invite us to be compassionate with all brothers and sisters, no matter what direction their lives take. Give us a heart of flesh in the face of fragility, so that, as a human family, let us eradicate torture forever. Give us your light so that, in our hearts and minds, we … Read moreMonthly Prayer For the abolition of torture
Let’s pray together for the populations who live at the border between Myanmar and Bangladesh, hard hit by a cyclone. I hope access to humanitarian aid will be enabled, and I appeal for a sense of solidarity to aid these brothers and sisters of ours. Pope Francis
On the feast of Our Lady of Sheshan, let us pray together that the Good News of Christ crucified and risen may be proclaimed in its fullness, beauty and freedom, bearing fruit for the good of the Catholic Church and all of Chinese society. Pope Francis
Nhận được tin Ông cố Emmanuel Trần Quốc Kỳ là thân phụ của thầy Gioan Baotixita Trần Quốc Khánh, Trợ Úy Liên Đoàn, đã được Chúa gọi về vào ngày 19 tháng 5 năm 2023, tại Việt Nam. Ban Chấp Hành Liên Đoàn Kateri xin gởi lời chia buồn đến thầy Khánh và gia đình … Read morePhân Ưu
In this month of May let us pray the Rosary, asking the Blessed Virgin for the gift of peace, especially for beleaguered Ukraine. May the leaders of nations listen to the desire of the people who suffer and who want peace! Pope Francis
Thank you, Father, for giving us life by the action of your Spirit in so much diversity of gifts and charisms for the mission. We wish to live our Baptism with fidelity and dedication, bearing witness to the Gospel in our everyday life. Help your Church movements and groups to be fruitful spaces of service … Read moreMonthly Prayer For ecclesial movements and groups