For migrants
We are all required to welcome, promote, accompany and integrate those who knock on our doors. I pray that States will strive to ensure humane conditions for refugees and to facilitate integration processes. Pope Francis
We are all required to welcome, promote, accompany and integrate those who knock on our doors. I pray that States will strive to ensure humane conditions for refugees and to facilitate integration processes. Pope Francis
Let us not forget the tormented Ukraine, let us not forget Palestine, Israel. Let us not forget Myanmar and so many countries that are at war. Let us pray for peace, today we need peace. War always, from the first day, is a defeat. Let us pray for peace. May the Lord give us strength … Read moreLet us pray for peace
We are passing through this month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (…) I am pleased to prepare a document that brings together the precious reflections of previous Magisterial texts and a long history that goes back to the Sacred Scriptures, in order to re-propose today, to the whole Church, this devotion imbued with … Read moreSacred Heart of Jesus
I invite you to pray for Sudan, where the war that has been going on for over a year still has not found a peaceful solution. May the weapons be silenced and, with the commitment of the local authorities and the international community, help be brought to the population and the many displaced people; may … Read moreSudan
Loving Father, who welcomes all your sons and daughters: We pray to you today for the migrants who flee from war or hunger. May they find welcome and new opportunities in the countries that receive them. For hospitality is an expression of love, of that dynamism of openness that inspires us to pay attention to … Read moreMonthly Prayer for For migrants fleeing their homes
During this month of May, may we entrust to the Blessed Virgin Mary our personal and family matters, as well as the suffering of those who fall victim to war. Let us pray together for the Church, all nations, and for peace in Ukraine and the Middle East. Pope Francis
Holy Spirit, who motivates the Church so that, in her mission, She may bear witness and always proclaim with renewed enthusiasm, the joy that springs from the encounter with Jesus: We pray to you today for religious sisters, religious men and seminarians. The response to their vocation requires throughout life a process of formation towards … Read moreMonthly Prayer For the formation of religious and seminarians
I wish to convey to the people of Kenya my spiritual closeness at this time when a severe flood has tragically taken the lives of many of our brothers and sisters, injuring others and causing widespread destruction. I invite you to pray for all those who are suffering the effects of this natural disaster. Pope … Read moreKenya
My thoughts go especially to the victims of the many conflicts worldwide: Israel and Palestine, Russia and Ukraine, Syria, Lebanon, Western Balkans Region, Armenia and Azerbaijan, Haiti, Myanmar, Sudan, Sahel, Democratic Republic of Congo and Mozambique. Let us pray for all those who have lost their lives and implore the repentance and conversion of the … Read more“Urbi et Orbi” Blessing
Lord Jesus, you who have given us Mary as our Mother: today I want to be grateful, with the whole Church, for all women: mothers, daughters, sisters, wives; for the consecrated women, for women who work professionally… for all of them, in all the beauty and value of their femininity. But I cannot forget the … Read moreMonthly Prayer For the Role of Women