In the Midst of Fatima: An Expression of Church Universal

As I head off to my Pilgrimage and Journeying ‘experiment’ starting in Ponte de Barca, I reflect on the whirlwind of activities that has happened that past couple of days. In particular, I reflect on my experiences of my pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary in Fatima. Fatima is a place … Read moreIn the Midst of Fatima: An Expression of Church Universal

Ban Chấp Hành Liên Đoàn 2023-2026

Liên Đoàn Trưởng: Teresa Vũ Phương Trâm Liên Đoàn Phó Quản Trị: Giuse Lương Minh Lộc Danny Liên Đoàn Phó Nghiên Huấn: Maria Vũ Phương Thư Thư Ký: Alphonsô Lê Minh Triết Thủ Quỹ: ______________________ Ủy Viên Kỹ Thuật: ______________________ Ủy Viên Phụng Vụ: ______________________ Ủy Viên Truyền Thông: Theresa Phạm Ngọc Hồng Quyên Ủy … Read moreBan Chấp Hành Liên Đoàn 2023-2026


I am very saddened by what happened a few days ago in the women’s Penitentiary Centre in Honduras. I pray for the deceased and for their families. May the Virgin of Suyapa, Mother of Honduras, help hearts to open themselves to reconciliation and brotherhood even within prisons. Pope Francis

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