Pope Monthly Intention – August 2023
For World Youth Day Let us pray that the World Youth Day in Lisbon will help young people to set out on the journey,witnessing to the Gospel with their own lives. Read more
For World Youth Day Let us pray that the World Youth Day in Lisbon will help young people to set out on the journey,witnessing to the Gospel with their own lives. Read more
As I head off to my Pilgrimage and Journeying ‘experiment’ starting in Ponte de Barca, I reflect on the whirlwind of activities that has happened that past couple of days. In particular, I reflect on my experiences of my pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary in Fatima. Fatima is a place … Read moreIn the Midst of Fatima: An Expression of Church Universal
Kết quả xổ số 11 tháng 6 năm 2023 Giải Nhất $1500: 4462 Giải Nhì $500: 8039 Giải Ba $250: 2258 Giải An Ủi $50: 2620, 4598, 1892, 1182, 7579, 7366, 3826, 6555, 5089, 7949, 8240, 9407, 8572, 9221, 6389
Mừng lễ kính Thánh Anê Thành, ngày 12 tháng 7, Liên Đoàn cùng nhau gửi lời chúc mừng ngày lễ Bổn Mạng và hiệp lời cầu nguyện với Đoàn TNTT Anê Thành Windsor. Nguyện xin Chúa Giêsu Thánh Thể, qua lời cầu bầu của Thánh Nữ, che chở và ban muôn ân sủng cho Đoàn, … Read moreMừng lễ kính Thánh Anê Thành
Today we celebrate Sea Sunday, dedicated to seafarers and fishermen. I pray for them and their families, as well as for those who are committed to freeing the seas from pollution. Pope Francis
Liên Đoàn Trưởng: Teresa Vũ Phương Trâm Liên Đoàn Phó Quản Trị: Giuse Lương Minh Lộc Danny Liên Đoàn Phó Nghiên Huấn: Maria Vũ Phương Thư Thư Ký: Alphonsô Lê Minh Triết Thủ Quỹ: ______________________ Ủy Viên Kỹ Thuật: ______________________ Ủy Viên Phụng Vụ: ______________________ Ủy Viên Truyền Thông: Theresa Phạm Ngọc Hồng Quyên Ủy … Read moreBan Chấp Hành Liên Đoàn 2023-2026
Jesus, Bread of Life Every time we receive you in the Eucharist, You come to give new meaning to our weaknesses, and You remind us how valuable we are in your eyes. Through frequent participation of this sacrament, we unite more and more to you, and we assimilate to your way of living, your ability … Read moreMonthly Prayer For a Eucharistic life
For a Eucharistic life Let us pray that Catholics may place at the centre of their lives the Eucharistic Celebration which transforms human relationships profoundly and opens up an encounter with God and their brothers and sisters. Read more
I am very saddened by what happened a few days ago in the women’s Penitentiary Centre in Honduras. I pray for the deceased and for their families. May the Virgin of Suyapa, Mother of Honduras, help hearts to open themselves to reconciliation and brotherhood even within prisons. Pope Francis
Let’s pray together for the many victims of the railway accident that occurred two days ago in India. I am close to the wounded and their families. May the heavenly Father welcome the souls of the deceased into his Kingdom. Pope Francis