A resource for both professional and armchair canonists. Also including the GIRM, GILH, CCC, CCEO, DC, SST, ESI, USCCB Norms, and Vos estis.
A resource for both professional and armchair canonists. Also including the GIRM, GILH, CCC, CCEO, DC, SST, ESI, USCCB Norms, and Vos estis.
During this month of May, may we entrust to the Blessed Virgin Mary our personal and family matters, as well as the suffering of those who fall victim to war. Let us pray together for the Church, all nations, and for peace in Ukraine and the Middle East. Pope Francis
Holy Spirit, who motivates the Church so that, in her mission, She may bear witness and always proclaim with renewed enthusiasm, the joy that springs from the encounter with Jesus: We pray to you today for religious sisters, religious men and seminarians. The response to their vocation requires throughout life a process of formation towards … Read moreMonthly Prayer For the formation of religious and seminarians
I wish to convey to the people of Kenya my spiritual closeness at this time when a severe flood has tragically taken the lives of many of our brothers and sisters, injuring others and causing widespread destruction. I invite you to pray for all those who are suffering the effects of this natural disaster. Pope … Read moreKenya
FOR THE FORMATION OF MEN AND WOMEN RELIGIOUS, AND SEMINARIANS <br> <p> Let us pray that men and women religious, and seminarians, grow in their own vocational journey through human, pastoral, spiritual and community formation, that leads them to be credible witnesses of the Gospel. </p> <br> Read more
Liên đoàn Kateri Tekakwitha was officially established on July 14, 2019 at the Nghĩa-Hiệp Conference at Mount Mary Retreat Centre in Hamilton. To celebrate 5th Anniversary, Lien Doan Kateri offers unique, custom keepsakes caps and mugs to commemorate this important milestone. Please use the form to order LD Kateri Tekakwitha 5th Anniversary Commemorative caps and mugs.
My thoughts go especially to the victims of the many conflicts worldwide: Israel and Palestine, Russia and Ukraine, Syria, Lebanon, Western Balkans Region, Armenia and Azerbaijan, Haiti, Myanmar, Sudan, Sahel, Democratic Republic of Congo and Mozambique. Let us pray for all those who have lost their lives and implore the repentance and conversion of the … Read more“Urbi et Orbi” Blessing
Lord Jesus, you who have given us Mary as our Mother: today I want to be grateful, with the whole Church, for all women: mothers, daughters, sisters, wives; for the consecrated women, for women who work professionally… for all of them, in all the beauty and value of their femininity. But I cannot forget the … Read moreMonthly Prayer For the Role of Women
For the role of women Let us pray that the dignity and worth of women be recognized in every culture, and for an end to the discrimination they face in various parts of the world. Read more
When the voices and experiences of women are heard, all of society is truly enriched. Let us pray together that, through encounter and dialogue, “the genius of woman” may be allowed to flourish in today’s world. Pope Francis