Pope Monthly Intention – April 2024
For the role of women Let us pray that the dignity and worth of women be recognized in every culture, and for an end to the discrimination they face in various parts of the world. Read more
For the role of women Let us pray that the dignity and worth of women be recognized in every culture, and for an end to the discrimination they face in various parts of the world. Read more
When the voices and experiences of women are heard, all of society is truly enriched. Let us pray together that, through encounter and dialogue, “the genius of woman” may be allowed to flourish in today’s world. Pope Francis
<p> Let us pray that those who risk their lives for the Gospel in various parts of the world might imbue the Church with their courage and missionary drive. </p> <br> Read more
Let us pray that the sick who are in the final stages of life, and their families, receive the necessary medical and human care and accompaniment. Read more
The coming months will lead us to the opening of the Holy Door, with which we will begin the Jubilee. I ask you to intensify your prayer to prepare us to live well this event of grace, and to experience the strength of God’s hope. Therefore, today we begin the Year of Prayer; that is, … Read moreYear of Prayer
Let us pray that the Spirit help us recognize the gift of different charisms within the Christian community, and to discover the richness of different ritual traditions in the heart of the Catholic Church. <br> Read more…
Hòa với niềm vui Mừng Chúa Giáng Sinh, xin hân hoan gởi lời chúc mừng đến Đoàn TNTT Emmanuel, North York nhân dịp Mừng Lễ Tước Hiệu (Namesake Day), ngày 25 tháng 12, vào ngày lễ Chúa Giáng Sinh. Cùng với tất cả các thành viên của Liên Đoàn, xin hiệp lời cầu nguyện trong ngày lễ trọng đại này của … Read moreLỄ CHÚA GIÁNG SINH – MỪNG TƯỚC HIỆU ĐOÀN EMMANUEL
For people with disabilities Let us pray that people with disabilities may be at the center of attention in society, and that institutions may offer inclusion programs that value their active participation. Read more
Ngày 20 tháng 11, ngày Thánh Phanxicô Xaviê Cần tử vì đạo. Ngài là Thánh bổn mạng của Đoàn TNTT Phaxicô Xaviê Cần, Hamilton. Cùng với toàn thể thành viên Liên Đoàn Katari, xin gửi lời chúc mừng đến ngày bổn mạng của Đoàn PXC. Nguyện xin Chúa Giêsu Thánh Thể, qua lời cầu bầu … Read moreMừng Lễ Bổn Mạng Đoàn TNTT Phanxicô Xaviê Cần Hamilton
For the Pope <p> Let us pray for the Pope that, with the help of the Holy Spirit, he may continue to accompany in the faith the flock entrusted to him. Read more… </p>