Why Do Disputes with the Pharisees Take Up So Much Space in the Gospels?

Large portions of those sacred books can, at times, seem like little more than a series of unpleasant encounters with the existing religious authorities—not most people’s idea of inspirational reading. To the casual student, Jesus almost seems to be deliberately antagonizing them, arranging times and circumstances for his miracles that were certain to provoke not … Read moreWhy Do Disputes with the Pharisees Take Up So Much Space in the Gospels?

Why Aren’t There More Nuns to Help With the ‘Nones’?

Elizabeth Scalia In celebrating the recent memorial of St. Frances of Rome, we noted that this fourteenth-century introvert “practically invented social work.” That might be judged an exaggeration, but only a mild one. The truth is, although Frances was a laywoman, her service to the poor and the suffering around her was of a piece with … Read moreWhy Aren’t There More Nuns to Help With the ‘Nones’?

Moses’ Stark Choice Lies Before Us: All or Nothing

Elizabeth Scalia In today’s Mass readings, we read from the book of Deuteronomy the ancient words of Moses: “Today I have set before youlife and prosperity, death and doom. . . . I have set before you life and death,the blessing and the curse.Choose life, then,that you and your descendants may live, by loving the … Read moreMoses’ Stark Choice Lies Before Us: All or Nothing

Special Prayer Request

For Peace in UkraineI invite everyone to make this coming 2nd March, Ash Wednesday, a Day of Fasting for Peace: let believers dedicate themselves intensively to prayer and fasting. May the Queen of Peace preserve the world from the madness of war. Pope Francis

Welcome to Kateri League of Chapters

The youth branch of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network Eucharistic Youth Movement (EYM) is an International Movement for the Christian formation of children and young people from 5 to 25 years old.EYM invites young people around the world to live in Jesus’ way, in a heart-to-heart relationship of friendship with him, based on a Eucharistic spirituality for the mission.It is founded … Read moreWelcome to Kateri League of Chapters

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