Putting Up Guardrails: Helping Teens Set Boundaries

I love using this analogy of guardrails when discussing boundaries with teenagers. In all aspects of your life, you need boundaries to help you create space and to help prevent injury. But the most important relationship to establish boundaries in is your romantic relationships. It can often be difficult helping teens establish healthy boundaries in … Read morePutting Up Guardrails: Helping Teens Set Boundaries

Healthy Habits: Rebuilding Relationships This Year

With a new year comes new opportunities to build or rebuild relationships with the staff we serve with, our parishioners, parents, and especially our teens. It will be tempting to sink back into old structures, habits, and modes of doing ministry “the way things were.” However, the ways we minister going forward will require vulnerability, … Read moreHealthy Habits: Rebuilding Relationships This Year

The Big Picture of Early Church Governance

All of the evidence from the first few centuries of Christian writers either explicitly points to a threefold structure (one bishop, assisted by elders and deacons) in the early Church or is too vague to draw any reliable conclusions (usually because the author wasn’t directly writing about church governance). Sometimes, the evidence is murkier than … Read moreThe Big Picture of Early Church Governance

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