Đoàn Anrê Phú Yên
The Martyrs of Viet Nam MissionAddress: Kitchener/Waterloo, ONTNTT APY Ban Thường Vụ Đoàn:Đoàn Trưởng: Đoàn Phó Quản Trị:Đoàn Phó Nghiên Huấn: Thư Ký:Thủ Quỹ: Contact: Phaolô Hoàng Đức Thịnh*
The Martyrs of Viet Nam MissionAddress: Kitchener/Waterloo, ONTNTT APY Ban Thường Vụ Đoàn:Đoàn Trưởng: Đoàn Phó Quản Trị:Đoàn Phó Nghiên Huấn: Thư Ký:Thủ Quỹ: Contact: Phaolô Hoàng Đức Thịnh*
Our Lady of Viet Nam ParishAddress: 1393 Cannon Street East Hamilton Ontario, L8W 1W2TNTT PXC Ban Thường Vụ Đoàn:Đoàn Trưởng: Đoàn Phó Quản Trị:Đoàn Phó Nghiên Huấn: Thư Ký:Thủ Quỹ: Contact: Phaolô Hoàng Đức Thịnh*
Cộng Đoàn Công Giáo Việt Nam tại St. Jane Frances ChurchAddress: 2747 Jane Street North York, ON M3L 2E8TNTT EML Ban Thường Vụ Đoàn Đoàn Trưởng: Maria Vũ Thị Phương Thư Đoàn Phó Quản Trị: Maria Đỗ Thị Ngoc Thanh Đoàn Phó Nghiên Huấn: Maria Phan Thanh Hiền Thư Ký: Phêrô Trần Minh Sơn Thủ … Read moreĐoàn Emmanuel
Vietnamese Martyrs Parish – St. Cecilia’s Church161 Annette Street, Toronto, Ontario M6P 1P5TNTT TMT Ban Thường Vụ Đoàn: Đoàn Trưởng: Giuse Lương Minh Lộc Danny Đoàn Phó Quản Trị: Giuse Nguyễn Đức Thịnh Đoàn Phó Nghiên Huấn: Giuse Trần Phi Hùng Thư Ký: Theresa Trần Phương Vy Helen Thủ Quỹ: Maria Goretti Nguyễn Ngọc Tú … Read moreĐoàn Tôma Thiện
Cộng Đoàn Thánh Giuse tại St Rose of Lima ChurchAddress: 3216 Lawrence Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1H 1A4647-697-2334thd-info@veym.ca TNTT THD Ban Thường Vụ Đoàn:Đoàn Trưởng: Đoàn Phó Quản Trị: Đoàn Phó Nghiên Huấn:Thư Ký:Thủ Quỹ: Contact: Teresa Vũ Thị Phương Trâm*
Large portions of those sacred books can, at times, seem like little more than a series of unpleasant encounters with the existing religious authorities—not most people’s idea of inspirational reading. To the casual student, Jesus almost seems to be deliberately antagonizing them, arranging times and circumstances for his miracles that were certain to provoke not … Read moreWhy Do Disputes with the Pharisees Take Up So Much Space in the Gospels?
Lv 19: 1-2, 11-18 The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to all the congregation of the people of Israel and say to them: You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy. You shall not steal; you shall not deal falsely; and you shall not lie to one another. And you … Read moreMar 8, 2022
Elizabeth Scalia In celebrating the recent memorial of St. Frances of Rome, we noted that this fourteenth-century introvert “practically invented social work.” That might be judged an exaggeration, but only a mild one. The truth is, although Frances was a laywoman, her service to the poor and the suffering around her was of a piece with … Read moreWhy Aren’t There More Nuns to Help With the ‘Nones’?
Depending on who you ask, social media is a great way to stay in touch with friends or is the single source of all society’s problems today. So how do we make sense of social media when considering our mental health and the mental health of our families?Read More
Thomas J. Salerno The dark clouds of war gather ominously over Europe as a weary continent recovers from the ravages of a virulent epidemic. The year is AD 172 AD, and the most powerful man in the West has joined his legions in their latest offensive across the mighty River Danube to counter the threat … Read moreMemento Mori: Moving into Lent with Marcus Aurelius