CV NEWS FEED // In a recently published pastoral letter, the prelate of Opus Dei offered a reflection on the nature of Christian joy in the midst of suffering.
Drawing from the teachings of Opus Dei founder St. Josemaría Escrivá, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz emphasizes in his March 10 letter that true joy is rooted in love and faith in God’s providence.
Monsignor Ocáriz acknowledged the difficulties present in the world and the Church but insisted that joy remains an essential characteristic of Christian life. Citing Christ’s words in the Gospel of John: “That my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full” (Jn 15:11), he explained that divine joy is not dependent on external circumstances but stems from a deep relationship with God.
“Joy is a condition proper to the life of the children of God,” he wrote, quoting St. Josemaría.
The letter also addressed the distinction between sorrow and sadness. Quoting St. Thomas Aquinas, Monsignor Ocáriz explained, “The sadness which is a vice is caused by a disordered self-love, and this self-love is not a special vice, but the general root of the vices.”
He clarified that sorrow, such as the grief of losing a loved one, is different from sadness in this sense. Instead, sorrow can coexist with joy when it is accepted with love.
“In fact, it is a common experience that not all sorrow or all renunciation causes sadness, especially when they are accepted with love and for love,” he wrote. “Thus a mother’s sacrifices for her children, at times very great, can produce pain and sorrow, but without causing sadness.”
Faith, according to Monsignor Ocáriz, is a key source of lasting joy. He pointed to the joy of the shepherds at Bethlehem, the Magi who rejoiced upon seeing the star, and the apostles who were “filled with joy” upon encountering the Risen Christ.
“Christian joy is not merely the joy of a ‘healthy animal,’ but the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the soul,” he noted. This joy persists through trials because it is rooted in God’s love.
Hope, closely linked to faith, also sustains joy, according to Monsignor Ocáriz. He reminded the faithful of St. Josemaría’s words that “a child of God, a Christian who lives by faith, can suffer and cry; he or she may have reasons to be sorrowful, but never to be sad.”
“And therefore in order to foster, or recover, joy, it is good to renew the conviction of our faith in God’s love,” Monsignor Ocáriz said.
He urged the faithful to cultivate peace and joy in their lives, becoming beacons of hope for others.
“Love, as a source of joy, is manifested in a special way in giving ourselves to others, striving to be, despite our defects, ‘sowers of peace and joy,’” he said.
Monsignor Ocáriz concluded by pointing to the connection between joy and the cross, saying that the cross, “accepted out of love for God is a source of happiness.”
He reminded believers of Christ’s words: “Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven” (Mt 5:12) to reinforce that Christian joy is not diminished by suffering but rather deepened through it.

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