We are called to radical conversion, not some lukewarm, complacent Catholicism, but an on fire passionate existence in pursuit of life everlasting. Christ declared, “And every one that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall possess life everlasting.” What did he mean by this text, and how often do men use their family as an excuse to avoid not fully committing to Him? We are going to go into this reality as well as offer 5 Lenten challenges and the enemies to those challenges, to help you live the best Lent ever.
BOOK: Jesus’ Way: The 46-Day Lenten Journey – Click Here
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SPECIAL GIFT FOR LENT: Watch the extended addition, all 1 h 26 mins of episode 196 on Catholic Gentleman Plus, where we go through all of the objections and excuses that men continually come up with: https://catholicgentlemanplus.com
QUESTION OF THE WEEK: We love to answer your questions on the show so send them our way to podcast@catholicgentleman.com.
Check out the Fathers of St. Joseph – https://fathersofstjoseph.org/
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The post Give Up Your Family This Lent appeared first on The Catholic Gentleman.