Reclaim our Schools

A sexually explicit book.

On display every time little 5-year-old Julia walks into her school’s library… 

How did this happen?

Ultimately, it comes down to the local school board. 

Some of these elected men and women take on this role of public service with a sinister agenda – to normalize the LGBT agenda and “convert” children to their radical rainbow “religion.”

Others might have no evil intentions. They’re just spineless and ignorant. 

The good news? We can still do something about it.

Courageous and common-sense Christians like you can run in these elections too. 

Little Julia doesn’t have to be exposed to books pushing the LGBT agenda. 

Will you consider defending her and all school children from the insanity? 

Are you being called to run for public office?

You’re not alone. And we have resources that can help!

Check out our guide to running a successful school board campaign here.

Make no mistake: It’s not just during “Pride Month” that libraries fill their children’s sections with books, images, and symbols that promote the LGBT agenda to very young children… it’s all year round. 

If you need inspiration, check out these videos of parents defending children’s innocence at their school’s board meetings.

P.S. Our annual Hide the Pride campaign is going on right now. If you haven’t yet, make sure you Hide the Pride at your local public library!

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