Editor’s Note: The following information is deeply disturbing and explicit. Reader discretion is advised.
CV NEWS FEED // The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh analyzed the “manifesto” of a “transgender” gunwoman who murdered six people at a Nashville Christian school in March 2023.
On Wednesday, Walsh posted several alleged photographs of the “manifesto” to his X (formerly Twitter) account. He wrote on the platform that the writings are evidence of the 28-year-old woman’s “anti-Christian, pro-trans, and perverse ideas.”
“In one passage, the shooter rails against ‘Christian friends’ that her parents have encouraged her to make,” Walsh noted. “She writes, ‘Parents actually believe religion can change nature. That could explain why I don’t practice religion anymore. Let kids think for themselves.’”
Walsh also pointed out how the adult woman “at times still frames herself as a child” in her writings.
In one instance, the shooter wrote: “[K]ids are not robots, we are the future!”
She also used explicit language to condemn parents who hold that nature dictates sex rather than ideology. She charged that these parents “think of themselves first” and are governed by their “preference of conservative religion.”
Walsh also highlighted that the shooter expressed how she would “kill to have” puberty blockers, as CatholicVote reported last week. “This is despite admitting that her own natural female puberty ‘didn’t bother me too much,’” Walsh wrote.
He indicated that per the manifesto, the eventual shooter did not fall into the “transgender” movement until she was already a young adult.
“That’s one of the many problems with radical gender ideology,” The Daily Wire host continued:
The people least able to navigate their own care — children and cognitively impaired adults — are not just unintentional casualties. They are the targets. They seek answers, and gender ideology comes knocking.
Far from an answer, it apparently emboldened this lifelong mental patient to commit an act of horrific violence. If the shooter was a white supremacist, her manifesto would be released. But, over a year on, the White House and [Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)] continue to block it.
Walsh implied that the Biden administration delayed the manifesto’s release to the public in order to conceal that the shooting was motivated by anti-Christian hatred.
“Recall that, in the wake of this shooting, the White House claimed that trans people — not the murdered Christians — were ‘under attack,’” wrote Walsh.
He emphasized that the administration: “didn’t want you to realize that, in her own words, the shooter had described her disdain for Christians very clearly.”
FOX News reported three days after the shooting that White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre went out of her way to blast red states for passing laws protecting children from being subjected to sexual surgeries and hormone treatments.
The Biden White House spokeswoman called protecting children from “transgender” procedures “shameful” and “disturbing,” adding “our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack right now.”
Jean-Pierre also blamed the shooting on gun rights.
Again from Walsh:
The White House seems to want to hide the shooter’s detailed descriptions of her gender dysphoria, and its link to her interest in pornography and acting out of graphic sexual fantasies with dolls, one of whom she performed “plastic surgery” on to give him a pretend penis.
“The shooter adopted anti-parent, anti-Christian, pro-trans views, and … also railed against ‘white privilege,’” Walsh wrote. “Authorities are claiming no apparent political motivation while what we’ve seen reads like an homage to radical leftism.”
“Instead of worshiping God, the shooter states that she sees herself as a kind of deity,” Walsh added. “‘Having a brain like mine has its godliness,’ she writes at one point.”
“There you see the contrast between the teachings of Christianity and the teachings of gender ideology,” Walsh continued:
Christians believe that people are made in the image and likeness of God. They also believe that God, not man, has divine power. But gender ideology proclaims the opposite.
“The FBI has never presented a clear answer as to why they hid these writings,” indicated Walsh. “In court, they claimed that active criminal investigations preclude releasing the documents, even though there are no other suspects in the shooting.”
Walsh referenced a Tennessee Star report that showed that despite the FBI’s reasoning given in court, the Bureau “privately told Tennessee authorities that they’re really concerned about the possible spread of ‘false narratives.’”
“For its part, Vanderbilt University Medical Center – which reportedly treated the shooter for more than two decades – has remained silent on how, exactly, they were handling the shooter’s care,” The Daily Wire host wrote. “In fact, they haven’t responded to media inquiries at all.”
“This is a national scandal,” Walsh emphasized. “In this case, transparency can save lives.”
“There have been several other shootings and planned shootings involving trans suspects since the mass killings in Nashville, and there will likely be many more unless something changes,” he wrote.
Walsh petitioned the federal government to release the full manifesto “along with any information about all drugs [and] treatment paths this shooter may have been on.”
“We’ve been entitled to this information for more than a year. It’s time we got it, before more people die,” he wrote.
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