House Republicans abandon pro-life protections in spending bill

CV NEWS FEED // House Republicans are reportedly no longer considering adding a provision protecting unborn children from chemical abortion in a spending package.

The Hill noted Monday that when the Republican-controlled House Appropriations Committee “unveiled the legislation Monday afternoon,” the pro-life language was “notably missing.”

The proposed provision “aimed to nullify a Biden administration rule allowing [abortion-inducing drug] mifepristone to be sold in retail pharmacies and dispensed by mail,” The Hill indicated:

The bill, which funds the Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), calls for more than $25 billion in total discretionary funding for fiscal 2025, which is below current levels.

The Hill reported that Republicans had sought to add the provision in their 2024 agricultural funding plan last year but “struggled to pass the previous bill amid opposition from moderates” in the party.

Furthermore, The Hill wrote in a Tuesday newsletter:

The elimination of the mifepristone provision could be an election year sign that image-conscious Republicans are backing off some of the most contentious proposals as a concession to centrist and swing-district Republicans, as they try to fend off Democratic attacks on abortion ahead of the November elections.


CatholicVote Director of Governmental Affairs Tom McClusky observed that the Republicans’ decision to abandon the proposed pro-life protections is a sign of a noticeable trend within the GOP.

“The larger issue is that Republicans are slowly abandoning the life issue,” McClusky said.

“Since Dobbs, abortion policy has been driven solely by the Biden administration with responses from House Republicans,” he said. “Now even that weak response is melting, meaning when Republicans have power again they will not make a public commitment to rescind radical abortion policies.”

“This is a dangerous trend to assume pro-lifers are loyal to a single party. We are not, we are loyal to life,” McClusky emphasized.

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