In a recent episode of the LOOPcast, the crew discussed the effects of taking religion and God out of schools – and in particular the removal of the 10 Commandments from classrooms.
LOOPcast host Tom brought up the idea that religion and morality haven’t truly been removed from schools at all.
“You now get the humanist religions involving all of the LGBTQ mafia stuff. To pretend as though there’s not some type of morality being enforced is naive at best,” Tom said.
“There’s no mercy in that religion,” Erika added.
Morality used to be informed and modeled after the Christian religion, but now a whole new set of secular morals holds sway. There are even new symbols, as exemplified by the street painting of the pride flag in Florida.
“So do I think we need to get the Ten Commandments back in there? Absolutely. We need to get those back in there,” Erika said before praising Louisiana’s attempt to do just that.
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