CV NEWS FEED // As pro-life and pro-abortion advocates rallied outside the Supreme Court in April to protest or support the Biden administration’s rule requiring emergency rooms to provide abortions, one pro-life advocate discovered that the pro-abortionists around her had no idea what they were advocating for.
Savanna Deretich, government affairs coordinator with Students for Life Action, attended the rally outside the Supreme Court in April as hearings began for the abortion case, State of Idaho v. The United States.
CatholicVote previously reported that the latest abortion lawsuit is centered around the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), which in 2022 was expanded by the Department of Health and Human Services to include abortion access in emergency rooms.
Deretich wrote on the Students for Life blog that she went to the rally well-prepared to defend the unborn. However, she found that several pro-abortion advocates were neither able to engage in conversation in debate, nor did they have any clue what the court case was about.
Instead, the pro-abortion advocates screamed and shouted statements like “Do not take away medication abortion!” or “Chemical abortion saves lives!”
“When we asked the pro-abortion activists ‘do you know what this case is truly about?’ Their response was repeatedly screaming the statements above to our faces. If only they listened,” Deretich wrote.
Deretich also gave a speech at the podium at the rally, attempting to inform the pro-abortion advocates around her.
“If you’re unclear whether abortion is a federal and state issue, today’s hearing at the Supreme Court should remove all doubt,” she said. “EMTALA has been twisted by Biden’s abortion radicals to demand that states with protective laws that embrace the preborn be forced to allow abortions in an ER.”
Pro-abortion activists attempted to drown out Deretich’s speech and other pro-life speeches, however.
Writing in the blogpost, Deretich recalled, “During all the speeches, pro-abortion activists screamed over us, got up in our faces, and used horns to try and silence us for hours. Most of the time, it was aggressive men shouting ‘gentlemanly’ phrases like, ‘Shut the f*ck up b*tch!’”
“At one point, one of the women speakers expressed how irresponsible and selfish men keep abortion legal for any reason. A swarm of men dressed in white medical coats and scrubs came over, shouting volatile things at the women speaking at our rally,” she continued. “This only proved our point, not to mention how disturbing it was to have male medical providers shout profanities and then, two minutes later, go back to caring for women and families.”
She added that the harassment became so great that police had to tell the pro-abortion advocates to leave the pro-life witnesses alone.
“Despite being outnumbered and people being verbally abusive, we remained calm and confident in our position,” she concluded. “The Pro-Life Gen showed up and did not back down. Students for Life of America was honored to help represent the pro-life movement that day.”
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