Catholics for Trump

On January 22nd of this year, we endorsed Trump for President. 

We stand by our call. 

At the time, the primary process was well underway, with none of his competitors (including DeSantis, Ramaswamy, and Haley) likely to defeat him. Further, as we predicted, he has since secured the number of delegates necessary to win the Republican nomination this summer. 

Trump will be the Republican nominee. 

And, as of today, he will face Democrat (and “Catholic”) Joe Biden.

CatholicVote is fully committed to helping re-elect Donald Trump this November.

Here’s why:

America is in crisis. Some might deny the gravity of the crisis. But some things are undeniable, including the fact that the United States of America is setting records… and not the good kind of records. 

Since 2020, under Joe Biden, we have had record inflation, record debt, record levels of illegal immigration, record low birth rates, and near-record low marriages. Our public schools are failing our children, while our colleges and universities have been overrun by woke communist students and faculty who hate America.

…the economy is teetering, the world is on fire, crime and racial divisions are on the rise, while public confidence in government just hit a historic low. Another record.

The list could go on. 

But I suspect you feel it. 

The tectonic plates of our culture and country are shifting rapidly. Things are unstable. We need to change course. And soon.

Can Donald Trump stop the train and put us on a path to renewal? 

Consider for a moment what Trump warned us about when he first ran for president in 2016. He called for a wall to secure our southern border. He cited the risks of China and economic globalization that surrenders our national security, unfairly subordinates our national interests, and destroys the prosperity of American workers. He critiqued the recklessness of America’s foreign policy adventurism, and he cited the loss of national solidarity back home. He complained about the “deep state” and “fake news” and the stupidity of our leaders.

Trump was right. The media was wrong. 

After nearly four years of Joe Biden, the record is plain. 

Trump has been vindicated. 

Further, Trump’s record as President speaks for itself. He nominated three new Supreme Court justices whose appointments led to the end of Roe v. Wade. He was the first president, other than Jimmy Carter, to not start a new foreign war since Eisenhower. The economy boomed. Illegal immigration ground to a halt. He celebrated America and shamed those who refused to stand for the national anthem. 

Today the man the media and Democrats derided as a xenophobic racist enjoys some of the largest support among black and hispanic voters of any Republican candidate… ever.

But there’s more…

It’s the Culture, Stupid. Bill Clinton’s campaign manager famously mocked then-President George H.W. Bush by saying, “It’s the economy, stupid.” The cheap slogan may have won him the presidency (thanks to third-party candidate Ross Perot). But for us Catholics, we understand some things are foundational. The GDP isn’t everything. Without a vibrant religious and moral culture, any hope of preserving the America we love is doomed.

We need more children. 

And we need more religious fervor.

And yet.

Joe Biden has chosen to prioritize one issue above all – abortion for all, anywhere and everywhere, without limits. Further, he has presided over the most dangerous and unprecedented weaponization of the federal government – including, an unprecedented direct assault on Catholics. 

Joe Biden’s FBI tried to lock up a pro-life innocent father of seven. 

Meanwhile, over 250 Catholic churches have been vandalized, firebombed, or destroyed just since the Dobbs leak in 2022… and Biden’s Department of Justice has done next to nothing.

Biden has used federal power to circumvent state laws limiting abortion. He has imposed new regulations that both destroy conscience rights and threaten Catholic insurers, hospitals, and doctors, while elevating a dangerous and harmful new ideology that seeks to redefine gender and sexuality. 

Joe Biden supports irreversible drug and surgical experiments on children as young as 7 years of age! 

This is nothing short of monstrous child abuse.

But, but… some will say Trump hasn’t exactly championed the cause of life. And there’s some truth in this. He clearly believes the abortion issue is a political liability and has said (unlike Biden) that he will leave the question to the states. The devastating losses in the states on every abortion-focused ballot initiative have not inspired any confidence.

Let’s be honest. 

Wise as serpents, innocent as doves. On abortion, Biden is a dangerous, scandalous ideologue. Trump is a calculating pragmatist. Dedicated pro-life advocates have argued that a robust commitment to limiting or “banning” abortion at some stage – at the federal level – is necessary lest we lose momentum. I sympathize with them. I too want the so-called “right” to destroy innocent, defenseless children eliminated everywhere.

But I also can’t help but recall the cunning answer given by Barack Obama in 2008 when asked about the definition of marriage. He said: “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian – for me – for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix.

It was a lie. 

But he wasn’t willing to hand his opponents a sledgehammer to bludgeon him. And guess what? He was elected president. Twice.

And once in power, he helped usher in the gay “rights” revolution.

Winning isn’t everything. We cannot forfeit our principles or integrity. And there is no need to lie. But it pays to be prudent and strategic. And winning does help. Four more years of Joe Biden could very well bring about a federal abortion law that would make us long for the days of Roe v. Wade

Just last week Nancy Pelosi promised that Senate Democrats would nuke the filibuster in the Senate. 

That way, Democrats could enact their entire agenda with only 51 votes.

Donald Trump may not prioritize the need to protect innocent babies in the way some prefer, but the claim that there is no difference between Biden and Trump on abortion is simply unserious.

There are countless ways a Trump presidency will help advance the cause of life, even if he chooses not to champion overt federal limits on the barbaric practice – for now. We are confident in this and have engaged his top policy advisors on just this topic.

I hope to write more on the case for Trump in the coming weeks and months.

But today I want to close with some blunt talk.

If we don’t reverse course – soon – the country as we know it will be lost forever. 

We simply cannot afford 4 more years of Joe Biden.

We are not blind Trump loyalists. No candidate is perfect. Trump has his faults. Politics is a game of prudence. But the idea that Trump is using conscientious Catholic voters for his own selfish pursuit of power is laughable. If his first term serves as a guide, it was we who used him, not the other way around.

We have to deal in reality. 

The Left is not interested in peaceful co-existence with their adversaries. There is no return to “normalcy” where our ideas are tolerated. Progressives are the authoritarians. And they are the ones that pose the greatest threat to democracy. 

Even RFK agrees on this.

They want to eliminate our way of life. Period.

We didn’t start CatholicVote just to play nice with people who want us gone.

That said, I don’t expect everyone to agree with us. But leadership sometimes requires making difficult decisions. And taking risks.

The 2016 election was famously described as the “Flight 93 election.” I think we face a similar test again. 

I want my country to survive. 

I want my children to grow up in a land still worthy of our love.

I hope you do, too.

The post Catholics for Trump appeared first on CatholicVote org.

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