RFK Jr. Releases New Abortion Policy, CV Reacts

CV NEWS FEED // Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. just released a new policy platform on abortion titled, “More Choices, More Life.”

“Abortion is one of the most divisive issues in American politics,” states Kennedy’s official campaign webpage on abortion. “We’ve been offered two positions — pro-life and pro-choice — with hardly any room between or outside them.”

Kennedy’s campaign claims that his proposed abortion policy “will dramatically reduce abortion in this country, and it will do so by offering more choices for women and families, not less.”

The policy clarifies that a Kennedy administration would seek to “make it easier for women to choose life.”

In order to accomplish this goal, the policy seeks to “make our society as welcoming as possible to children and to motherhood.”

“The centerpiece of More Choices, More Life is a massive subsidized daycare initiative,” the policy continues:

We will safeguard women’s reproductive rights while redirecting the funds being spent on the war in Ukraine to subsidize community- and home-based daycares, along with stay-at-home parents. Instead of padding the pockets of our weapons manufacturers, we will pay 100% of care for the three million children under five who live beneath our poverty line. And we will cap the cost at 10% of family income for everyone else.


“[W]e will also strengthen our adoption infrastructure to make it the best in the world,” the policy platform goes on to state. “We will increase the child tax credit, and we will fund sanctuaries for women in need to have babies, places like Angie’s House where they get support not just in pregnancy and birth but also in those precious months afterwards.”

“That way, [women’s] only ‘choice’ isn’t abortion,” the policy indicates. “They have another choice, a viable choice to give birth.”

Kennedy’s campaign adds that the proposed policy “won’t end the debate, but it offers a way forward that most Americans can support.”

CatholicVote President Brian Burch issued a statement in reaction to the announced platform.

“RFK Jr.’s abortion policy offers a stark contrast to the ‘shout your abortion’ extremism coming from the Biden campaign,” Burch said.

“While RFK Jr. is wrong for pledging to continue to protect the ‘right’ to destroy innocent lives, he deserves credit for not ducking the need to help women choose life,” he continued.

“Abortion is not simply a state’s rights issue,” the CatholicVote president pointed out. “The federal government does indeed have a role in helping to reduce abortion by empowering pregnant mothers to keep their children.”

“[Kennedy] also deserves credit for recognizing the unique role of stay at home parents by proposing that any day-care subsidies equally apply to mothers or fathers who choose to stay home to raise their children,” Burch outlined.

“Kennedy’s position, while problematic in principle, aims in the right direction,” he concluded. “Abortion is always a tragic choice, and we must do everything we can to help as many women as possible choose life.”

Kennedy is a self-professed Catholic.

The post RFK Jr. Releases New Abortion Policy, CV Reacts appeared first on CatholicVote org.

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