Vice President Kamala Harris Visits Minnesota Planned Parenthood Facility

CV NEWS FEED // Critics slammed Vice President Kamala Harris after she visited a Minneapolis Planned Parenthood facility on Thursday, becoming the first sitting administration official to do so in national history.

During her visit to the abortion facility, Harris called it a “health care clinic” and said she was there “to uplift the work that is happening in Minnesota as an example of what true leadership looks like.”

“[I]t is only right and fair that people have access to the health care they need, and they have access to healthcare in an environment where they are treated with dignity and respect,” Harris said.

“And please do understand that when we talk about a clinic such as this it is absolutely about healthcare and reproductive healthcare,” she added.

Referring to the many states that have passed pro-life laws, Harris claimed that “right now in our country we are facing a very serious health crisis” that is “affecting many, many people in our country, most of whom are frankly silently suffering.”

Peter Pinedo of the Catholic News Agency (CNA) noted that in touring the Planned Parenthood outlet, Harris “became the first sitting vice president to visit an abortion clinic.”

While speaking with reporters, Harris “praised abortion providers and lashed out at lawmakers advancing pro-life legislation,” Pinedo reported.

VP Kamala Harris, as she becomes the highest-ranking U.S. official ever to visit an abortion clinic:

“I’m here at this health care clinic to uplift the work that is happening in Minnesota as an example of what true leadership looks like.”

— The Recount (@therecount) March 14, 2024

CatholicVote’s Tom Pogasic took to X (formerly Twitter) Thursday to note where the vice president’s priorities appear to lie.

“As of today, Border Czar Kamala Harris has spent more time touring an abortion clinic than she has touring the southern border,” he wrote.

As of today, Border Czar Kamala Harris has spent more time touring an abortion clinic than she has touring the southern border.

— Tom Pogasic (@TPogasic) March 14, 2024

A February Gallup poll found that 28% of Americans consider immigration to be the most important issue facing the country – the highest percentage on any issue. Abortion did not appear among voters’ top concerns

Two months into his presidency, President Joe Biden tasked Harris to lead the administration’s response to the border issue, though the administration at the time refused to call it a crisis.

Over two months later, Harris responded to NBC anchor Lester Holt who confronted her over not yet visiting the border. 

“And I haven’t been to Europe,” she told Holt at the time.


Many other critics panned the vice president’s Planned Parenthood tour on X.

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) professor Andrew T. Walker had harsh words for fellow Christians who continue to support Harris and other Democrats.

“Don’t let your day go by without dwelling on the fact that the Vice President of the United States toured an abortion mill in solidarity with it,” he wrote. “Imagine thinking this party is a plausible option for Christians to support.”

Don’t let your day go by without dwelling on the fact that the Vice President of the United States toured an abortion mill in solidarity with it. Imagine thinking this party is a plausible option for Christians to support.

— Andrew T. Walker (@andrewtwalk) March 14, 2024

Christian commentator Josh Daws agreed.

“Imagine a leader touring Auschwitz when it was in operation because they wanted to celebrate the wonderful work being done there,” he wrote. “That’s the Democratic Party. Vote accordingly.”

Imagine a leader touring Auschwitz when it was in operation because they wanted to celebrate the wonderful work being done there.

That’s the Democratic Party.
Vote accordingly.

— Josh Daws (@JoshDaws) March 14, 2024

LiveAction foundress Lila Rose, a Catholic, wrote: “Even Hitler tried to hide his death camps. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are proud to publicly support mass murder.”

Our Vice President is now doing publicity tours at abortion clinics. Even Hitler tried to hide his death camps. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are proud to publicly support mass murder.

— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) March 14, 2024

Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins, also a Catholic, wrote: “Kamala Harris claims a ‘historic first’ in visiting an abortion vendor operation [and] stops to explain ‘uterus’ care.”

“It’s not that complicated,” Hawkins added. “Things not to put in a uterus: Sharp instruments [and] deadly drugs. Things to protect in a uterus: Human life.”

Kamala Harris claims a “historic first” in visiting an abortion vendor operation & stops to explain “uterus” care.

It’s not that complicated.

Things not to put in a uterus: Sharp instruments & deadly drugs.

Things to protect in a uterus: Human life.

— Kristan Hawkins (@KristanHawkins) March 14, 2024

The post Vice President Kamala Harris Visits Minnesota Planned Parenthood Facility appeared first on CatholicVote org.

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