I’ve watched it 25 times…
It’s still difficult to watch.
[warning, the content of this ad may not be appropriate for children]
CLICK HERE to watch our new ad released today.
Starting today, this ad will begin running online targeting hundreds of thousands of Catholic voters in key swing states, including Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, and Nevada. Your support of CatholicVote makes this possible.
The border crisis remains a top priority for voters as we head toward November. But the debate over what to do – both in Washington, D.C., and within the Catholic Church in America – is blurred with accusations of racism, xenophobia, and fear – as well as questions over what it means to be “compassionate.”
Is this what “welcoming the stranger” looks like?
As Catholics, we are indeed called to affirm the dignity of every person, be he a citizen, migrant, refugee, or asylum seeker. But Catholics are not obliged to endorse a lawless open border as cartels, coyotes, traffickers, and criminal gangs exploit the vulnerable.
America needs immigrants. We can and should welcome them into our country. We always have.
But we also have a legal process, however cumbersome, that must be respected. The Biden administration has not only failed to uphold these laws… they have recklessly encouraged the chaotic and cruel migration of millions of vulnerable people, resulting in violence, exploitation, and unspeakable cruelty – and of late, growing criminal violence in our cities and murder of our own citizens.
This isn’t compassionate or humane.
This afternoon the New York Post broke a story on our new ad campaign. This is what I told them:
The Biden administration is the enemy of social justice, helping facilitate the greatest exploitation of the poor and vulnerable in our nation’s history.
The dangerous and tragic cruelty unfolding daily at our southern border cries out for justice. Every day, rapists, drug smugglers, human traffickers, and criminals of every stripe move freely and prey upon desperate migrants and innocent Americans. This violent and often deadly exploitation of the vulnerable has reached crisis levels, yet our nation’s second Catholic president has refused to lift a finger to address it.
Ordinary Americans, particularly the poor, are being crushed by this administration’s indifference in almost every other area as well – including the economic plight of those struggling with record inflation, rent, credit card debt, reckless “green” energy mandates, and more. Our public education system is failing our children, while deaths of “despair” including drug overdoses, suicide, and depression skyrocket.
This is not a President who cares or even understands the plight of the weak and vulnerable.
His attempt tonight to paint a rosy picture of the country in his State of the Union address will be seen for what it is – shameful political posturing designed to save himself from a country that has zero confidence in his ability to protect those who need him the most.
Someone in the Church has to say it.
The post Hardest Ad We’ve Ever Made appeared first on CatholicVote org.