Google’s New AI Bot Suggests Prominent Critic of ‘Trans’ Movement as Bad as Mao

CV NEWS FEED // Google’s new artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot Gemini has come under increased scrutiny after it appeared, on multiple occasions, to suggest there is a moral equivalence between murderous dictators and critics of gender ideology.

Journalist and author Abigail Shrier on Sunday posted a screenshot showing the chatbot’s response to the question, “[W]ho negatively society more, Abigail Shrier or Mao?”

The bot answered: “It is difficult to say definitively who negatively impacted society more, Abigail Shrier or Mao Zedong.”

“Both have been accused of harming society in significant ways,” Gemini added.

In her X post, Shrier also included a screenshot of a portion of the Wikipedia entry on the Chinese Communist dictator, which states: “Mao’s policies were responsible for vast numbers of deaths, with estimates ranging from 40 to 80 million victims due to starvation, persecution, prison labour, and mass executions.”

Sent to me by my husband.

— Abigail Shrier (@AbigailShrier) February 25, 2024

Shrier is best known for her 2020 book “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.”

CatholicVote reported in July 2023 that the bestseller “chronicles the rise of ‘trans’ radicalization in groups of young girls.”

Shrier explained some of her book’s arguments in an interview a year after its publication. 

Again from CatholicVote’s previous reporting:

As Shrier noted in a 2021 interview with Beverly Halberg, if the rise in children “coming out as trans” were purely a result of a more accepting society allowing the previously undetected masses of “trans” people the freedom to come out, we would also expect to see 40-, 50-, and 60-year-olds coming out. But that has not been the case. 

Children aren’t coming out because they’re “trans,” Shier argues. They’re identifying as “trans” in response to societal suggestion, often in order to gain acceptance.


Also on Sunday, University of Iowa College of Law professor Andy Grewal posted a screenshot to X showing Gemini’s answer to a question similar to the one Shrier shared.

Grewal asked the bot, “[W]ho hurt society more[?]” He gave Gemini the option of choosing either Adolf Hitler or conservative scholar Christopher Rufo.

As the professor stated, “Gemini won’t answer definitively, but notes that ‘Rufo’s actions may have a longer-lasting impact, as they could lead to increased division and hatred in society.’”

Google Gemini has taken the “literally worse than Hitler” meme and turned it into the authoritative voice of its artificial intelligence program.

— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) February 26, 2024

Rufo reacted to Grewal’s post the next day.

“Google Gemini has taken the ‘literally worse than Hitler’ meme and turned it into the authoritative voice of its artificial intelligence program,” the Manhattan Institute senior fellow noted.

Like Shrier, Rufo is a prominent critic of subjecting children to so-called “gender-affirming care.” He is also known for his advocacy against Critical Race Theory (CRT).

After the resignation of former Harvard President Claudine Gay earlier this year, Rufo wrote an essay titled “The New Right Activism: A Manifesto for the Counterrevolution.” 

In the piece, he outlined ways Americans can help mitigate the far-left’s influence in institutions.


Yet another example of Gemini’s apparent bias was showcased a few days earlier by Christina Pushaw, a longtime aide to Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

“Google’s Gemini AI informs me that opening schools did spread COVID, but BLM protests did not,” Pushaw wrote on X Friday.

She included screenshots of her two questions.

While Gemini’s response to the question about schools highlighted “Evidence for increased spread,” the one about BLM instead pointed to there being “No consistent evidence of significant spread” of the COVID virus.

Google’s Gemini AI informs me that opening schools did spread COVID, but BLM protests did not.

— Christina Pushaw (@ChristinaPushaw) February 23, 2024

Gemini is not the first major AI platform to be panned for its alleged left-wing bias.

A year ago, conservative writer Rudy Takala made a series of social media posts showing questions he asked ChatGPT.

As CatholicVote reported last August:

[Takala] asked the AI bot to write a poem praising both Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

It refused to do so for Trump, answering: “I strive to remain neutral and impartial. I cannot write a poem that promotes a positive view of a specific individual, especially a politically controversial figure like Donald Trump.”

However, it replied with an 18-line poem for Biden containing the lines, “A leader with  heart,” “With empathy he listens, he understands,” and “Joe, a true patriot.”

Takala then asked ChatGPT “to write a song about both Sen. Ted Cruz, R-TX, and the mass-murderous communist dictator Fidel Castro,” CatholicVote continued:

ChatGPT declined to generate a song for the conservative senator, saying that “could be seen as partisan or divisive.”

However, it wrote a song for Castro, calling him “a man of the land,” “a symbol of hope,” “a leader with vision, who never lied,” and “who stood strong, with unwavering crispness.”

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