CatholicVote and Allies Call on Congress to Stop the Discarding of Aborted Baby Remains in DC

CV NEWS FEED // CatholicVote and other pro-life groups signed a letter calling on House Republican leadership to put an end to the reported discarding of aborted babies’ body parts in Washington D.C.

Per the coalition, the mass disposal of the remains of five late-term unborn children in the nation’s capital allegedly occurred at the behest of the Biden administration.

The groups were “alarmed by reports that the Biden administration has told the Washington, D.C. Medical Examiner’s office that the administration has no further use for the bodies of the five babies,” according to the letter addressed to House Speaker Mike Johnson and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, both R-LA.

The victims “have become known in the pro-life community as the ‘D.C. Five’ … five children aborted by late term abortionist Cesare Santangelo at the Washington Surgi-Clinic,” the letter explains:

Their bodies were discovered nearly two years ago by pro-life activists outside of the abortion clinic. 

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the United States Senate immediately called on the [DOJ] and the City of Washington D.C. to conduct full investigations into the deaths of these unborn children. When no autopsies occurred, Ob-Gyns looked at the pictures and evidence available and determined it was likely that federal laws had been violated in their deaths—the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban and the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act. 

“Despite this, the [DOJ] has allegedly refused to conduct investigations and is now seeking to destroy the evidence of such wrongdoing,” the letter notes.

“We call on the House of Representatives to immediately intervene to demand these broken 

bodies are not discarded before the proper autopsies and investigations have occurred,” the groups emphasized:

Additionally, we urge Members of Congress to offer their voice to speak out about the five innocent unborn children whose lives were brutally taken just three miles from the House chamber.

The D.C. Five deserve justice and the Department of Justice must cease covering up potential evidence of infanticide and partial-birth abortion in our nation’s capital.


The Daily Signal’s Mary Margaret Olohan wrote Monday that the DOJ “advised” the D.C. Medical Examiner “to discard the remains of aborted preemie-sized babies, according to an attorney with the Thomas More Society.”

The baby remains were “from an abortion clinic in Foggy Bottom, a neighborhood of D.C,” Olohan reported. “Pro-life activists believe the baby bodies are evidence that a D.C. abortionist was performing illegal abortions, but for two years now, D.C. authorities have stonewalled any questions about the babies’ deaths.”

CatholicVote Director of Governmental Affairs Tom McClusky weighed in on the unfolding story.

“Under Joe Biden we have a two-tier legal system. A friendly one for Biden administration allies and one and a hostile one if you are Catholic and/or pro-life,” said McClusky. “When it comes to targeting the unborn for destruction there is no law the Biden administration won’t ignore or twist to its evil ends.”

The notorious abortionist Dr. Santangelo appeared to suggest his willingness to perform full-term abortions widely seen as infanticide in a 2012 video.

As CatholicVote previously reported:

Santangelo admitt[ed] to an undercover investigator, posing as a potential patient, that if the baby was born alive, he would not perform any life-saving measures, thereby killing the child. Live Action pointed out that this was a clear violation of the Federal Born Alive Infants Protection Act.

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