Mom Tells Beautiful Story of How Abortion Pill Reversal Saved Her Baby Girl

CV NEWS FEED // A Virginia woman shared the story of how a pregnancy resource center (PRC) saved her unborn child’s life after she had already taken a dose of an abortion-inducing drug.

Katelynn Perry’s youngest daughter Aubrey is now a healthy toddler. As the mother discussed in an interview with The Daily Signal Podcast, she owes the little girl’s life to a successful abortion pill reversal regimen.

“I found out that I was pregnant with Aubrey on Christmas Day of 2021,” Perry told hostess Virginia Allen. “It was very emotional. We were really excited.”

“We told everybody and we were so happy,” she said. But as the Christmas season ended, Perry and her husband began to have doubts that they wanted to add a fifth child to their family.

“My husband was battling active addiction at the time,” Perry explained:

I was in between jobs. I didn’t have stable income. He owned his own business which wasn’t doing well at the time. It was just a lot on our plate. So, it very quickly overwhelmed us and made us start thinking about other options.

“We didn’t really know,” Perry said. “And that’s kind of what led us to Planned Parenthood, because that’s like really the only place that’s advertised that we knew of.”

She described her experience of dealing with the abortion giant as “very scary.”

The couple thought Planned Parenthood would discuss all their options with them. Instead, the facility’s staff quickly steered them toward ending their unborn child’s life. “We didn’t even know what we were doing and they quickly took our money, rushed us through check-in,”  Perry recalled.

“When the time came for us to go back they separated us,” Perry said, adding that not having the chance to talk everything through with her husband was “really devastating.”

“With no support system back there with me, I just made what I thought was the best decision at the time,” she said. “They told me that I was already … eight weeks along and I wouldn’t be able to do the chemical abortion if I waited too much longer.”

Perry said staff members made her take her first chemical abortion pill before she even left the facility.

She recounted that at the time, she did not understand what the pill was going to do to her body and her unborn daughter. “When I tried to ask questions, they were kind of shot down.”


Perry again highlighted the fact that Planned Parenthood made her talk to staff alone:

I feel like if my husband was there and he stepped in and said, “Hey, you know what? We need to take all of this into consideration and think about it first, and then we’ll let you know,” I would’ve been like, “Yeah, we do.”

That night, she was unable to sleep. “I was up all night long pondering what I had done,” she said. She noted that she knew by that point that she would not be taking any more of the pills Planned Parenthood had prescribed her. 

“I knew that taking that first pill was wrong and I shouldn’t have let them influence me,” she said. “I shouldn’t have listened.”

The next morning, Perry Googled “abortion pill reversal” from her bathtub. That was when she came across Heartbeat International’s Abortion Pill Rescue Network. She called the organization’s 24/7 hotline right away.

“I immediately got a warming nurse on the other line,” Perry told Allen. “She assured me that everything was going to be okay.”

“You only have 72 hours to reverse that pill after you take it,” the nurse told her.


After a 15-to-20-minute hold, the nurse referred Perry to a PRC in Lynchburg, VA, about an hour’s drive from her Roanoke home. 

Perry elaborated that she had to borrow gas money from her father in order to be able to make the trip.

“I knew I was making the right decision,” she emphasized. “It was very different from the decision that I had made the night before.”

“The night before was very regretful,” she described:

This decision felt like a leap of faith in joy. It felt like a miracle. It felt like God was leading me. It felt like He was making a way. 

I knew I was making the right decision to go to that clinic.

The pro-life clinic was closed when she first arrived. But then: “Here comes a team of probably three or four people walking up to the door with keys. God made a way again.”

Shortly after entering the clinic, Perry had met with a doctor, a nurse, and even the PRC’s director. They performed an ultrasound and her unborn baby still had a heartbeat.

“Another miracle,” she said. The mother added it was the first time she was able to see Aubrey and hear her heartbeat.

Allen asked Perry if most women she knew were aware that abortion pill reversal “was an option.”

“Absolutely not,” Perry answered. “No one knows about it and they really should.”

Perry underwent a 12-week hormone regimen. It was “really hard” and made her “very sick,” she recalled. “It was a long hard 12 weeks but we got through it. I don’t regret it at all.”

Perry noted that her now one-year-old daughter Aubrey Lynn “came out perfect.”

“She’s walking and talking and doing all of the things,” she said. 

The mother said that her “sweet little girl” does not “even know how many people she’s affected.”

“She doesn’t even know that she was brought here by God,” Perry added. “She doesn’t even have a clue, and she’s the sweetest little girl you would ever meet.”

From Heartbeat International:

If you or someone you know took the abortion pill and regret it, there may still be time. The Abortion Pill Rescue Network provides free and confidential care 24/7.

Call us at 877.558.0333 or go to now. There may still be time to save your pregnancy.

Readers can find the full interview here.

The post Mom Tells Beautiful Story of How Abortion Pill Reversal Saved Her Baby Girl appeared first on CatholicVote org.

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