Abortion Pill Reversal Celebrates Saving Over 5,000 Babies 

CV NEWS FEED // The Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) protocol “has reached a new landmark for saving lives,” according to one of the largest networks of Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Heartbeat International.

According to Heartbeat International’s  Pregnancy Help News (PHN), the APR has now saved over 5,000 babies from losing their lives to the at-home chemical abortion pill. 

PHN stated in its report:

With estimates indicating that more than half of all abortions conducted in the United States are chemical abortion, APR has become increasingly crucial for moms who take the chemical abortion pill and experience regret. 

If a woman takes the first chemical abortion pill and regrets the choice, and she acts quickly enough, it may be possible to save her child with APR.

PHN credits the latest statistics to Abortion Pill Rescue Network (APRN), a coalition of over 1,400 healthcare professionals, pregnancy healthcare clinics, and hospitals that provide access to the APR protocol. 

Managed by the largest international network of pregnancy centers, Heartbeat International, “APRN helps more than 150 women per month start the Abortion Pill Reversal process,” according to the report. 

Heartbeat International President Jor-El Godsey stated in the report:

Despite Big Tech’s big hand of censorship and misguided state officials to suppress Abortion Pill Reversal, women desperate for a different choice than the abortion pill they took, are finding their way to the help they want.

Every woman should be loved and supported in her pregnancy. Big Abortion, and its powerful friends, should not stand in the way of choice for women to choose life for their baby

Chemical abortion is typically carried out through two drugs, mifepristone, which starves the baby of progesterone, a necessary hormone for survival, and misoprostol, which induces labor once the infant is deceased. 

APR combats this process by revitalizing the mother’s supply of progesterone. 

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