on April 10, 2022 at 8:00 pm

on April 10, 2022 at 8:00 pm

Palm Sunday 

Isaiah 50:4-7

Being Present to Suffering

How quickly the mood changes on Palm Sunday.  Suddenly we go from the jubilation of Jesus being greeted with palms as he enters Jerusalem, to the brutality of the suffering servant passage of the first reading. This solemn theme continues with the reading of the Passion. 

How am I being called to be present to my own suffering and the suffering of others this Holy Week? As we look upon Jesus hanging on the cross as St. Ignatius suggests in the third week of the Spiritual Exercises, can we begin to appreciate Jesus’ tremendous love for us?  I believe he would have died for me even if I was the only one needing redemption. 

—Fr. Paul Macke, SJ, is the Jesuit Mission Coordinator at the Jesuit Spiritual Center in Milford, Ohio.  He co-leads a Spiritual Direction Training Program for the Cincinnati Region.  




O Christ Jesus 

May your death be my life, 

Your labor my repose, 

Your human weakness my strength, 

Your confusion my glory. 

—Saint Peter Faber, SJ

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