USCCB announces religious liberty essay contest for high school juniors and seniors 

CV NEWS FEED // High school juniors and seniors have the opportunity this month to enter a religious liberty essay contest for a chance to win a college scholarship from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) Institute.

“This contest is an opportunity for emerging leaders to reflect on the principles of religious freedom and how they have seen faith put into action in the promotion of religious freedom,” the USCCB Committee for Religious Liberty stated on a webpage announcing the competition. 

The contest will give three winners scholarships that range from $500 to $2,000.

The contest hosts ask students to craft an essay of up to 1,100 words on a story of a person or a community that has been a witness to religious freedom. 

Explaining the essay prompts, the USCCB committee noted that all men are both called to – and have the right to seek religious truth and live according to the truth. 

“However, in our polarized political culture, many Catholics in the U.S. tend to defend religious liberty only for their own political or cultural group, while disrespecting the religious freedom of those with whom they disagree,” the USCCB committee stated. 

Contest participants are asked to address in their essay various questions related to this, such as, “Who are examples of people who transcend partisan politics to promote religious freedom for all people?”

Previous winners of the religious liberty essay contest have written about St. Edmund Campion, Bl. Nicholas Charnetsky, and Bishop Rolando Alvarez. The essays are made available for public viewership on OSV’s website and on the USCCB’s webpage about the contest. 

The contest is a collaborative effort among the USCCB’s Committee for Religious Liberty and its Secretariat of Catholic Education as well as OSV Institute. 

The deadline to submit an essay for the contest is April 16.

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