Catholics against Trump?

“How can you support Trump!?!”

“Trump is a grotesque human being, with no decency or moral standards!”

“I may hold my nose and vote for him, but no Catholic org should defend him…”

These are just a few of the emails I have received in recent days. 

I’m not surprised.

Some CatholicVote members are divided over whether Trump deserves our support. 

Nearly everyone agrees that voting for Biden is impossible. He’s a senile and incompetent stooge of the woke Left, and an avowed enemy of everything we hold sacred as Catholics. Four more years of Biden would be catastrophic.

Yet many CV readers remain conflicted over Trump, given his well-known personal and policy flaws. Our critics include many friends and supporters. 

And they deserve a response.  

You may not agree with me. But it’s simply not true that we are blindly supporting Trump, or that we are ignoring or even applauding his manifest flaws. We have never celebrated or excused his obvious shortcomings. Our enthusiastic support for him has always been in spite of his faults, not because of them. 

We will always be Catholic first.  

But something much bigger is afoot. And we all know it.

Today we face a political movement that seeks to destroy our entire way of life. 

2024 is no longer just about Trump.

2024 is also not just about Joe Biden. Or Republicans. Or Democrats. Neither was 2020 for that matter.  

Following Trump’s shocking victory in 2016, the progressive Left declared open war on our way of life. They were outraged because they had been expecting their permanent majority to arrive. After 8 years of Barack Obama, their long march through our institutions to transform America, and humanity itself, was well underway.  

And then 2016 happened.

Don’t believe me? Look around you.  

What do you see?

Not too long ago, we at least pretended to esteem things like the Declaration of Independence, our National Anthem, our motto “In God We Trust,” and our Judeo-Christian ethos. Not anymore. Americans today no longer respect and share anything resembling a common cultural heritage. Remember when Nike was scolded for having a Betsy Ross flag on their shoe? How about when Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the National Anthem?

Today nearly every major university faculty, mainstream media outlet, and large corporation believes that the entire foundation of the country is rotten to its core and must be replaced and remade. They think the entire country needs an extreme makeover, and not the kind offered on HGTV…

Just a few months ago we were lectured that the time-honored claim that our “rights come from God” is the problem!

How easily we forget that our cities were looted and burned, only to be told these “peaceful protests” were legitimate and justified. Or that nearly half the country agreed that their fellow citizens should be fined, confined, or imprisoned for refusing COVID vaccinations. Yes, 48% of your fellow citizens believed jailing Americans for refusing an experimental vaccination was necessary.

Millions of illegal immigrants are now flooding our country. Dangerous criminals, terrorists, human traffickers, and suspicious migrants from places like China are flagrantly breaking our laws, and infiltrating our country every day, while decent hard-working Americans cannot afford to buy a house or raise a family. 

And then people wonder why the younger generation is no longer getting married, having children, or going to church. 

Traditional concepts of morality, family, marriage, children, religion, and even biology are now deemed offensive. We have the lowest birthrate in our nation’s history. Our churches are closing by the thousands. Suicide rates, anxiety, depression, and loneliness are soaring. 

Our children (and military) have been reduced to social experiments, with parades and drag queen pornographic shows promoting the chemical and surgical disfigurement of young children now subsidized by you and me. 

Meanwhile, when they aren’t calling for the genocide of the Jewish people, angry mobs on college campuses and elsewhere are tearing down our statues, and canceling their opponents, or justifying the use of the power of government to hunt down and punish their adversaries. 

Pro-life protestor? Straight to jail.

And the latest? 

It all started 17 months ago, when the Biden Department of Justice sent their third-highest ranked official to work at the office of New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg in order to prosecute Joe Biden’s political opponent on charges everyone knows would never have been brought elsewhere – in front of a judge who personally donated to Joe Biden and a “STOP REPUBLICANS” campaign effort, in direct violation of the law.

Now they plan to throw him in jail for a dispute over a paperwork violation — which rightly should only be considered a misdemeanor.

HERE’S THE KEY: the remaking of our country is not happening by accident. 

The most radical and once unthinkable ideas, such as trans surgeries on 7-year-olds, anti-white racism, and the full weaponization of the government against your political opponents are no longer fringe ideas of the radical Left reserved to the teachers’ lounges at Berkeley. They are the fully baked plans of our entire ruling class – and the proud platform of Joe Biden and his Democratic Party.

People need to wake up and realize that Ilhan Omar and AOC are not some outliers. The mainstream Democratic Party holds these same opinions unanimously. 

Donald Trump is not the problem.

They hate Trump because he is standing in the way of everything they are implementing and hoping to accomplish. For them to succeed, they are counting on feckless Beltway Republicans – as well as Christians panged with persistent guilt over obvious Trump flaws – to withhold support for him.

What’s worse, they apply a standard to Trump (moral decency!), that they refuse to apply to themselves, luring many good people into thinking they have no choice but to stay silent… or apologize for anything that resembles support for Trump – in essence, anything that resembles opposition to their dark agenda.

So where does this leave us?

It’s simple: a vote for Joe Biden is a vote to destroy America.  

A vote for Trump is a chance to hold back the coming catastrophe, build reinforcements, and reawaken in our people a desire to change course.

There’s a reason millions of working-class voters are flocking to Trump. And it’s not because they love or excuse his moral flaws. It’s because they understand what far too many of our preening citizens and leaders refuse to acknowledge — they understand the stakes of this election.

Perhaps a nuclear conflict or war with China would prompt fence-sitters to reconsider their doubts. 

Or maybe a knock on the door from the FBI would provide some needed clarity.

It’s not Trump using us.  

It’s us using Trump.

Because we must.  


P.S. Maybe I persuaded some of our skeptics. Maybe not. Regardless, we are not slowing down. We’ve got an election to win. And a country to save. 

And we definitely need your help to make it happen.


The post Catholics against Trump? appeared first on CatholicVote org.

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