World’s Biggest Monstrance Created in Reparation for Spanish War Leads Yearly Procession

Credit: Archivalencia/Catedral VLC
There are 159 sculptures adorning the monstrance used in the annual Corpus Christi procession in Valencia, Spain, including biblical scenes from the Old Testament up to the Good Shepherd and the risen Christ. The apostles and doctors of the Church adorn the host and Eucharistic miracles are depicted. Saints particularly devoted to the Eucharist are part of the multitude of adorers, as is Pope Pius X, known as the “pope of the Eucharist” since he encouraged frequent reception of the sacrament and lowered the age for first Communion. June 2, 2024.

The monstrance used in the procession — created as an act of reparation for the atrocities of the Spanish Civil War — is the largest processional monstrance in the world.

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