Planned Parenthood is allegedly transferring “proprietary” aborted baby body parts to the University of California San Diego (UCSD) “in exchange for ownership of the university’s ‘patents’ and ‘intellectual property’” created through experiments.
The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) obtained documents showing the alleged transaction between the abortion organization and the university after filing a public records request.
CMP Founder and President David Daleiden told CatholicVote: “These documents show that the whole time Planned Parenthood swore to Congress and the public they did not sell body parts, they were lying about active contracts like this one to sell aborted fetuses for massive financial value in violation of federal law.”
Daleiden explained in a video the significance of what the newly obtained documents revealed.
“These facts clearly demonstrate Planned Parenthood sells baby parts in violation of federal law and for potentially far more money than we ever discussed before,” the pro-life activist said.
The primary document revealed is a “biological material transfer agreement” (MTA) entered into on May 1, 2009 between Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties (PPSD) and UCSD. The document identifies the “material” in question as “fetal and placental tissue, which are proprietary materials of PPSD.”
The contract, which was updated in 2014 to reflect PPSD’s name change to Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest, adds that, “[i]n reliance upon and in consideration of the following undertakings, and for other good and valuable consideration,” the parties agree:
PPSD shall retain all right, title and interest in and to the Material, including but not limited to all right, title and interest in patents and patent applications and other intellectual property rights relating to the Material …
CMP points to additional updated references to the MTA:
UCSD emails from 2017 reference the MTA contract while updating an additional contract for clinical personnel, and in emails from late 2020, UCSD seeks to be “especially careful” about “any rights” providers of fetal tissue “retain” in the material.
CMP released a series of undercover videos in 2015 exposing alleged harvesting and sales of fetal body parts by Planned Parenthood and its allies in the abortion industry. CMP now notes “[t]he incriminating terms of this relationship are spelled out in … the contract, made for ‘valuable consideration.’”
“The transfer of any aborted human fetal tissue for ‘valuable consideration’ is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2),” the pro-life organization observes.
In the video, Daleiden also points out such a “transfer” for “valuable consideration” is “something Planned Parenthood has strenuously denied doing for the past eight years and continues to deny even today.”
“UC San Diego has registered numerous patents that were developed using aborted fetal body parts from Planned Parenthood,” he continues. “Some of the professors listed on the patents harvested hundreds of brains, eyes, hearts, and livers from late-term healthy babies aborted at Planned Parenthood in southern California.”
“This contract shows that, fundamental to the relationship, Planned Parenthood sees itself as entitled to substantial property, valuable consideration, and other benefits from the University of California as a result of its supply of aborted babies,” Daleiden explains.
In December, CMP also obtained confirmation of a federal law enforcement investigation by the HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) into the fetal tissue bank at the University of Pittsburgh – which is supplied by Planned Parenthood abortion doctors and funded by the National Institutes for Health.
“The coverup of incriminating evidence like these documents goes to the highest levels with Kamala Harris in the White House,” Daleiden explained to CatholicVote:
At the very minimum, the federal OIG investigation of fetal trafficking at the University of Pittsburgh must be expanded to include Planned Parenthood’s activities in San Diego and anywhere else this $1.8 billion abortion business supplies aborted fetuses for taxpayer-funded experiments.
In his official statement for CMP’s press release, Daleiden said “[t]he highest levels of Planned Parenthood leadership must answer under oath for what we now know is the organization’s participation in government-sponsored trafficking of late-term aborted babies.”
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