New Parish House Built for Catholics in Namibia with Salesian Mission Funds

CV NEWS FEED // A new parish house has been built for Catholics living in the South African country of Namibia. 

According to a recent press release, Don Bosco Parish has been operating since 2019 out of a local hall that was constructed to be used as a church.

“Priests were driving to the church daily for Masses and other pastoral activities, which was expensive for the parish,” the release stated, adding that the Salesians also “needed a local house where they could live and rest after providing for members of the community.” 

Known as the United States development arm of the Salesians of Don Bosco, the Salesian Missions provided funding for the parish house in Rundu, Namibia’s capital city in the north. The Salesians in Namibia work primarily to further education efforts in the country, but also run programs which provide support to poor youth and families. 

As CatholicVote previously reported, the Salesian Missions also recently funded the construction of a chapel in Sierra Leone for the Don Bosco Fambul Child Protection Center in the capital city of Freetown. 

The house will directly benefit 11 Selesians in the community, five of whom will live there full time, according to the release. The house will also be available to more than 5,000 people in the community who will be accessing youth programs, counseling sessions, and sports activities at the parish.

The inside of the house includes six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, an entertainment area, an office and waiting room, as well as a chapel and sacristy. 

“The Salesian community in Rundu is grateful to be able to have a Salesian house, where the growing number of Catholics in Rundu can find spiritual assistance and counseling as needs arise,” said one Salesian in the press release. 

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