Pro Life Organization Celebrates 100th Mobile Pregnancy Help Center

CV NEWS FEED // Save the Storks has celebrated the installation of its 100th mobile pregnancy help center. 

The pro life non-profit organization Save the Storks recently delivered its 100th mobile unit to Pregnancy Resource Center Maryville in East Tennessee. Celebrations included several stops on the way to deliver the unit, including one in Colorado Springs, where the vehicle was blessed in the Church where the clinic was launched. 

En route to the vehicle’s delivery, Save the Storks also donated diapers from EveryLife, gift cards, various supplies, and other necessary items to families in need. 

The vehicle made a stop in St. Louis, where the organization’s CEO Diane Ferraro met with two mothers who chose life because of a mobile help center. 

“They were women who left the Planned Parenthood and came outside and saw the safety and the science of our mobile medical clinic and the medical professionals that operate our mobile medical clinics,” Ferraro said in a Pregnancy Help News release.

“Because of the ultrasound and because they heard the heartbeat, these wonderful women chose life.”

One of the expectant mothers discovered she would be having twins during an ultrasound in a mobile unit. 

“Four out of five women choose life for their baby when they see the ultrasound and hear the baby’s heartbeat,” Ferraro continued:

Our goal is to have a mobile medical clinic in every major metropolitan area in the United States, and our God-size dream would be to have at least one of these units in every state in the country because they are saving lives and they are showing women that it is okay to be a mom, that motherhood is a blessing – it is a gift from God.

As of now, Save the Storks has mobile units in 34 states across the US. 

The post Pro Life Organization Celebrates 100th Mobile Pregnancy Help Center appeared first on CatholicVote org.

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