Dear applicants of Emmaus I,
I am Tr. Danny, Liên Đoàn Phó Quản Trị of Liên Đoàn Kateri Tekakwitha.
As Trưởng Ban Tổ Chức, I would like to welcome you to Sa Mạc Huấn Luyện Huynh Trưởng Cấp 1 – Emmaus I. The camp will take place from Aug 4th, 2 pm to Aug 7th, 2 pm at the beautiful Blue Springs Scout Reserve.
I’m honored to introduce you to the members of the Training Committee(BĐH):
Sa Mạc Trưởng (SMT) – HLV Alphonso Lê Minh Triết
Sa Mạc Phó (SMP) – HLV Giuse Nguyễn Thành Đạt
Tổng Trực (TT) – Tr. Giuse Nguyễn Đức Thịnh
With their wealth of experience and dedication we are confident they will guide you through a memorable training camp experience.
We would also like to remind you that the deadline for cancellation with a full refund is June 26th, 2023. If you would like to withdraw from the camp, please ensure that we receive your cancellation request before this date.
To ensure a fruitful camp experience, we highly encourage your full participation in all pre-camp lessons and activities. Non-compliance may result in your exclusion from the camp as we aim to create a cohesive and engaged community during our time together.
We look forward to welcoming you to Emmaus I. Let us walk the same road as Jesus walked and rediscover the mystery of the stranger.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
United by His grace,