The special characteristics of prayer within the Movement have their roots in the spiritual tradition of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (PWPN). It seeks to encourage living in a relationship of permanent friendship with Jesus, to find Him in all things. Prayer will always be rooted in daily life, anchored to the Word of God and directed towards our conversion into an apostle at the service of the world and the Church.
Even though the whole life of the member seeks to be a response to Jesus’ call, there is an educational emphasis on experiencing three special moments of encounter with him: The Three Moments of the Day. At each moment there is a pause, to speak one-to-one with the great Friend.
What are the three moments?
1) With Jesus in the Morning (First Moment):
The Offering of the day to the Lord readies us to enter the dynamic of Eucharistic life. That means offering our lives to the Lord and being obedient to His Spirit, so as to live according to his wishes, ready to carry out His mission throughout the day. To recognize the Lord’s Spirit to whom we want to align ourselves, we recommend meditating on the Gospel each day. This offering comes to life in the challenges facing humanity and in the Church’s mission that the Pope entrusts to us each month. To this end, in this offering we ask the Holy Spirit to open our hearts to the needs of both the world and the Church, expressed in the Pope’s intentions. The member offers their prayers, words, works, sacrifices, and everything else they must do. This offering can be composed of a written or learned prayer, or indeed one’s own words. For example: “Here I am Lord, you can rely on me to collaborate in the mission that the Father entrusts to us”.
2) With Jesus during the day. (Second Moment):
This entails a brief Encounter with Jesus, be it on your way somewhere, or at rest, at home, in school or at work; to confirm your readiness and collaboration with Him. It is a moment in which we connect and adjust ourselves to the presence of the Lord in His mission, in an act of discernment. We ask for example:
- “What did I do for Christ?”
- “What am I doing for Christ?”
- “What will I do for Christ?”
3) With Jesus at night (Third Moment):
The Review of the day is to recognize God’s activity in one’s own life that day. It is about being attentive to what is going on in our heart and how we have allowed ourselves to be impregnated by Jesus’ principles. When conducting the third moment it can be helpful to find a suitable place at home, a “prayer-corner” or a “special place”, to experience this encounter with Jesus. We suggest situating yourself in front of a picture, a candle, a crucifix, etc. We also recommend learning somebody poses that are conducive to prayer. This will facilitate the retreat required to be connected to the Lord. For the third moment there are three steps to follow:
Thanks – recognize everything that opens you to life, to happiness, to peace, and give thanks for everything the Lord has done in you this day.
Forgiveness – Note without judgement everything that did not give you life during the day. Ask forgiveness for the resistance, obstacles to His action. Ask that your Heart be transformed through His mercy.
Tomorrow – In light of what you reflected on the day gone by – how the Lord acted in your life and the obstacles you faced – look to tomorrow with the aim of living in greater internal freedom and obedience to the Spirit. Ask for help or make a resolution to live in greater union with Jesus the following day. Take note of your review with the Lord in your journal.
(An excerpt from EYM International Manual)
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