What Does Jesus Mean When He Says “Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen”?
By Clement Harrold
Jesus’s famous declaration that many are called but few are chosen comes at the end of the parable of the wedding banquet (see Mt 22:1-14). A gracious king puts on a grand marriage feast for his son, sending out invitations via his servants. These invitations are ignored by many, shunned by others, and in some cases, the messengers are even abused and killed!
Suitably enraged, the king sends an army to destroy the murderers and burn their city. Then he directs his servants out onto the streets to invite to the wedding “all whom they found, both bad and good” (v. 1). Thus the wedding hall quickly fills up with guests.
There’s only one problem: one of the attendees lacks a wedding garment. When challenged about it, the ill-dressed guest is speechless; so the king orders him to be bound and thrown out into the darkness. And then, finally, comes that famous line from Our Lord: “For many are called, but few are chosen” (Mt 22:14).
We should therefore understand that verse 14 ought to be read in light of the whole parable. First and foremost, the parable speaks to God’s experience with ungrateful Israel. Israel was the elect of God, the chosen nation destined to carry out His purposes and extend His kingdom to the world. But when God sent His prophets—and, eventually, His Only Son—to Israel, they were met with scorn, rejection, and death.
In response to Israel’s sin, God sometimes allowed human forces to operate as instruments of divine justice. Thus in the Old Testament, the city of Jerusalem was reduced to ruin by the Babylonians in B.C. 587 on account of the Israelites repeatedly ignoring the exhortations of the prophets. Similarly, in the new covenant era, Jesus warns that the divine wrath will once again be visited on the nation of Israel due to its opposition to the Messiah. This time that wrath will be realized in the Roman armies who assault Jerusalem and reduce the Second Temple to rubble in the year A.D. 70.
Significantly, the extension of the wedding invitation to everyone gathered on the streets reflects the reality that the sphere of “the elect” has now been extended from beyond Israel to include the whole world. None of the people on the streets, not even the bad, will be denied an invitation. There are those, however, who choose not to participate in the wedding feast—or if they do participate, it is only on their own terms. This egocentric approach is represented by the man who lacks the appropriate attire. He was given the same invitation as everybody else, but he can’t be bothered to dress the part.
In the parable, the wedding garment symbolizes repentance. The man who decides not to wear the garment has shown disdain for the magnificent offer which he has received. Despite being a random “nobody” on the street, he was invited to attend a royal wedding. Taking advantage of the invitation, he is happy enough to show up for the festivities, yet he is unwilling to meet the basic entry requirements. When challenged on account of his poor dress code, he has nothing to say in his defense, which leads to his being cast out.
This sequence of events reveals the way in which God has called all men and women. Nevertheless, it is only those who repent of their sin and cooperate with God’s grace who will be chosen to have a seat at the eternal wedding feast. For while God extends the wedding invitation to all people (see 1 Tim 2:4), sadly not everyone will respond to that invitation.
Clement Harrold earned his master’s degree in theology from the University of Notre Dame in 2024, and his bachelor’s from Franciscan University of Steubenville in 2021. His writings have appeared in First Things, Church Life Journal, Crisis Magazine, and the Washington Examiner.
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►JanuaryAquinas: The Biblical Approach of the Model Catholic TheologianNew Evangelization: The Courtship of LoveThe Assumption of the Blessed Virgin MaryWhere is the Eucharistic Sacrifice in the Bible?Scott Hahn Explains Papal Infallibility“What’s So ‘Great’ about St. Basil?” with Matthew Leonard and Mike Aquilina.St. Agnes, a lamb for ChristGet the Newest Letter and SpiritJoy without BordersScott Hahn – Forty DaysMatthew Leonard – St. Polycarp’s Most Holy DeathThe Great Witness of St. Perpetua with Mike Aquilina & Matthew LeonardBooknotes – St. Monica and the Power of Persistent Prayer ►2014
►DecemberThere’s an App for ThatGod in the DetailsChristmas Comes Early!
►NovemberNo Problem, Houston!writer. fighter. mitre – St. Leo the GreatThe King, the Drama, and the Joy
►SeptemberFeast Forward by Scott HahnTo Stir with Love by Scott Hahn
►AugustBookNotes – St. Monica and the Power of Persistent PrayerPray Thee Well!Introducing our Latest Scripture Study! “The Bible and Prayer”Angels and Saints
►July“Come, Receive Grain and Eat”The Seventh Summer by Scott HahnThe Bible and the FathersBlessed Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, the Apostle of India.
►MayThe Ascension: The Underrated MysteryExodus and EasterAn Invitation to EvangelizationBuilding the Temple of God: Fifth Sunday of Easter“The Good Shepherd”: The Readings for the Fourth Sunday after EasterFeast of St. AthanasiusStar Light, Star Bright by Scott Hahn
►AprilA Throne Established ForeverRich in Mercy by Scott HahnMore Than A Feeling: The Aura of St. John Paul IIThe “Billy Graham of Scandinavia” Announces His Conversion to CatholicismHoly Thursday Mass of the Lord’s SupperJesus’ Triumphal Entry, the Descent into Hell, and the Coming of the Messiah (Palm Sunday, YeaMercy’s Month by Scott Hahn“I’m Back!”: The Raising of Lazarus, 5th Sunday of LentBeer, Chocolate and Embracing Lent
►MarchTruth Be ToldGive me a Drink! The Third Sunday of LentFeast of St. Cyril of JerusalemFasting on Fridays and the Passion of Jesus the BridegroomThe Great Witness of St. PerpetuaForty DaysOvercoming Temptation: 1st Sunday of LentThe Greatness of Lent by Scott Hahn
►FebruaryFranciscan University Presents: “Consuming the Word” on EWTNThomas Aquinas on John 6:53 (“the flesh is of no avail”)The Tolerance of PaganismLoving Your Enemies: John Bergsma Examines the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
►JanuaryAll the Right MovesConverted and ConvertingAGNES DAY!Feast of St. Anthony of the Desert ►2013
►DecemberPope Francis and Biblical Interpretation“A Virgin Shall Conceive”: The Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent
►OctoberSt. Ignatius, “God-Carrier”The Bible and the Rosary: How to Hear the Word of God in PrayerRecord High in Florida!A Radical Sabbatical
►SeptemberSt. Jerome – Changing the World from a CaveChrysostom and the Mysteries of Marriage
►AugustMy Summer Vocation
►JuneIntroducing a New Video Series: BookNotesLIVE online video chat with Scott Hahn!
►MayDemanding an ApologyMost Rev. José Gomez: 2013 Baccalaureate Mass HomilyPope Benedict’s Wednesday Audience on Philip the ApostleSt. Athanasius: Mike Aquilina Reflects on this great Church FatherMay Memories
►AprilGrow in your Knowledge of Scripture!All Things New
►MarchPrepare for The HourThe Jewish Roots of Palm Sunday and the Passion“Louder Than Words: The Art of Living As a Catholic”Ratzinger on Scripture and Revelation:Forward March! by Scott Hahn
►FebruaryGrande Munus – An Encyclical on Sts. Cyril and MethodiusSaint Agatha, Virgin, Martyr
►JanuaryScott Hahn – Saint Paul: Persecutor to ApostleRomans: The Gospel According to St. PaulSt. Agnes, a lamb for ChristLeroy Huizenga on Hildegard of Bingen, a New Doctor of the ChurchPope Benedict speaks on the “depth of God’s love for us”New Year, New Book!The Theologian“What’s So ‘Great’ about St. Basil?” with Matthew Leonard and Mike Aquilina. ►2012
►DecemberSpirit of AdventThe Dark Night RisesA Season of MaryDo You Believe in Magi?
►NovemberChristmas Comes Early!A True ThanksgivingAn Act of Love by God!writer. fighter. mitre – St Leo the Great:Matthew Leonard – What Do We Do Now?Matthew Leonard – What Do We Do Now?
►OctoberUnveiling the Writings of St. Luke!Matthew Leonard & Dr. John Bergsma: Unveiling the Writings of St. LukeIgnatius made me do it!Matthew Leonard On St. Ignatius of AntiochScott Hahn: Catechism and the Year of FaithScott Hahn: Catechism and the Year of FaithO Give Thanks to the LORD!
►SeptemberChanging the World from a CaveChanging the World from a CaveNew Testament: Sacrifice or ExecutionNew Testament: Sacrifice or ExecutionMystagogy of Marriage?Matthew Leonard Explains the Mystagogy of Marriage According to St. John ChrysostomWhat is the New Evangelization?What is the New Evangelization?Matthew Leonard On St. Gregory the Great
►AugustCelebrate the Feast of St. AugustineScott Hahn on the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin MaryScott Hahn on the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Maryper Mariam ad Iesum (through Mary we are led to Jesus)Sitting at the Feet of this Cranky Master – St. HippolytusOn Friar for GodSummer Heat Wave
►JulyFury of the Idolaters, Beauty of the FaithThe Heavenly Liturgy in Judaism, the New Testament and the Eucharistic CelebrationWhat We’re Reading Now: St. Bernard on Song of SongsFeast of St. BenedictCatholic Church Architecture Part 1 of 10: Architectural TheologyJesus as Prophet, His Prophetic Signs and the Last Supper (Podcast and Outline)Thomas the TwinSeven UpwardThe Early Church. . . Mothers? Mike Aquilina’s Fascinating New Book (w/ Podcast!)
►JuneThe Churchs First TheologianCyril the VirileBishops Announce New Translation of the New TestamentOrigen and His Influence on Christian TheologyFeast of FaithLost Homilies of Origen Found!
►MayFirst copy of Nehemiah found in unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls!Fr. Michael Scanlan Chair of Biblical Theology and the New EvangelizationThe Dead Sea Scrolls“To the Ends of the Earth”Bride and JoyFather of Orthodoxy, St. AthanasiusOld Testament Manuscripts
►AprilThe Text of the Old TestamentPerspectives Principles And Criteria: John Bergsma on the Bible in Catholic TheologyPaul’s Strange Mention of Co-Senders: What It Might MeanEWTN Live – Benedict XVI and Verbum Domini – Fr Mitch Pacwa, SJ with Dr. Scott Hahn – 03-02-2011The Splendor of Eschatology: Highlights from Matthew Levering’s Jesus and the Demise of DeathCatholic Exegesis: A Streamlined OverviewAquinas’ Five Reasons Christ Rose from the DeadEighth Day DawningCatholic Interpretation of ScriptureNo Place Like Rome
►MarchInspiration and the Relationship of Divine and Human AuthorshipBREAKING!: New Document Promotes Priority of Scripture in TheologyInspiration of Scripture in the Catholic TraditionIntro to Lent III: AlmsgivingSupernatural Revelation
►FebruaryMy OrdealIntro to Lent II: FastingNatural Revelation in the Catholic TraditionIntro to Lent 1: PrayerThoughts on the Church’s Old Testament Canon“Paschal Sacrifice: A Heavenly Banquet for Earthly Beggars”
►JanuaryThe Real CampaignRERUM OMNIUM PERTURBATIONEM: Encyclical of Pope Pius XI on St. Francis de SalesAgnes DayThe Man in the Desert!Why Jesus was Baptized and Tempted?; with John BergsmaSaint Gregory of NyssaUshering in the New Year of Faith!The Feast of St. Basil ►2011
►DecemberThe Real Meaning of Christmas“To us, Christ is all!”The Big Difference a little change makes
►NovemberAnd with Your SpiritAdvent 2011: Extraordinary TimeKinship by Covenant: Reviewed by Pablo GadenzDr. Scott Hahn – Paschal Sacrifice: A Heavenly Banquet for Earthly BeggarsJohn Bergsma on the Dead Sea ScrollsThe Successor of Peter and Biblical InterpretationGreat Time at the Shrine
►OctoberThe Supper of the LambPope Benedict Calls for a Year of FaithScott Hahn Addresses the New Evangelization
►SeptemberSt. Paul Center to Government Regulators:Why the Pope Has to Be Infallible, Part 3Exegesis as Theology, Theology as Exegesis
►AugustWhy the Pope has to be Infallible, Part 2aIn the School of Pope BenedictWhy the Pope has to be Infallible, Part 2Blessed the BarronWhy the Pope has to be Infallible, Part 1Journey Through Scripture SuccessAre War and Schism always Sins Against Charity?Pope recommends Bible for vacation reading
►JulySt. Lawrence of Brindisi: A Life Inspired by Love of Sacred Scripture1,400-year-old St Paul fresco discovered in ancient Roman catacomb
►JuneReflection by Benedict XVI on Sts. Peter and PaulThe Catholic Understanding of the Saints: Isn’t Christ the ‘One Mediator’?
►MayHoly Land Pilgrimage Day 4Summer Vocation
►AprilUnderstanding the Book of Acts—Part 3: More Similarities Between Luke and ActsThe Eucharistic Theology of Early Church FathersUnderstanding the Book of Acts: Part 2—Acts of Jesus & Acts of the ApostlesUnderstanding the Book of Acts: Part 1—“Why Do You Persecute Me?”Jesus Didn’t Just “Die for Our Salvation”: Why He Rose from the DeadThe Whole Earth Keeps SilenceWas There a Passover Lamb at the Last Supper?Holy ThursdayOur Big DayPresenting a Paper for the Matthew Section at SBL
►MarchArchbishop Gomez on the Pope’s Book as the Model for Scripture StudyOut of AfricaArchbishop Gomez’s Inspiring Inaugural HomilySirach as Scripture in Judaism?Jesus as the Davidic Messiah in Matthew (Part 2 of 2)
►FebruaryWhat is the Biblical Form of Church Government?St. Polycarp, bishop and martyr (c. 155)The Petrine PrincipalJesus as the Davidic Messiah in Matthew (Part 1 of 2)Newman at First Things’Reasons to RockNew USCCB Document Highlights Biblical Quotations in the Mass
►JanuaryKingdom of the PoorAquinas: The Biblical Approach of the Model Catholic TheologianAgnes DayFantastic New Commentary on Matthew’s Gospel!Word Association ►2010
►DecemberCatholic Saint on the Importance of ScriptureRuth and AdventA Christmas InvitationThe Great St. AmbroseWas Joseph Really Suspicious of Mary’s Pregnancy?St. Nicholas DayIgnatius of Antioch on the Eucharist
►NovemberPope Benedict XVI’s New Apostolic Exhortation on the Bible is Here!
►OctoberThe World Series of Bible StudyNot Your Average Reading GroupEmery on the Biblical Methodology of AquinasDead Sea Scrolls On-LineLike the Early Christians, We Should Learn to See Again the Gospel as… Fresh, Attractive.Holy Land, Happy Landings
►SeptemberBecoming little in order to be truly wiseBehold, I make all things Newman!Who is the Rich Man of Luke 16?For Future ReferenceIs Peter the Rock? (Part 3: Some Reasons I Think He Is)Matthias Scheeben on the Mysteries of Christianity (Part 3)
►AugustIs Peter the Rock? (Part 2: Gundry’s Take)Is Peter the Rock? (Part 1)Matthias Scheeben on the Mysteries of Christianity (Part 2)Matthias Scheeben on the Mysteries of Christianity (Part 1)A Pilgrimage to Our Lady
►JulyHoly Father
►JuneFathers ForeverSt. Paul Center Pilgrimage and Dr. Hahn’s Talk
►MayDr. Hahn Meets Pope On Rome Pilgrimage!Dr. David Warner, 1955-2010Dr. Scott Hahn and Fr. Barron discuss Modernity, the Bible and TheologyTop Vatican Official Praises Scott HahnBreak Dancing
►AprilTurn, Turn, Turn
►MarchRome & Assisi Pilgrimage!The Paschal Mystery
►FebruaryRome Sweet Home
►JanuaryHope Springs EternalYou Say You Want a Resolution? ►2009
►DecemberA True BlessingSigns of Life
►NovemberA Lamp Unto My Feet
►OctoberJourney Through Scripture in Green BayThe Creed: Gateway to Grace
►SeptemberCovenant and CommunionBible and the Sacraments in Toledo
►AugustFacing the FutureThe Lawler Treasury
►JulyBible and the Mass in ToledoScripture Conference at St. Vincent SeminaryA Defining Moment
►June2009 Letter & Spirit Summer InstituteEndings and Beginnings
►MayInspiration and Interpretation
►AprilPaul the Priest
►MarchPalms and CircumstanceJourney Through Scripture in ToledoFirst Bible Study of 2009Reno on Recovering the Bible
►FebruaryThe Acceptable Time
►JanuaryLove: A Many-Splendored Mystery ►2008
►DecemberApostle of HopeSynod Wrap Up
►NovemberDrinking Deeply Made EasyScripture and Liturgy in Heaven…and EnglandA Day Late and a Decade Short
►OctoberI Hear a Symphony: The Many Meanings of “the Word of God”Pope: Synods Fundamental to ChurchWhat Is Needed for a Bible Comeback (Part 2)What Is Needed for a Bible Comeback (Part 1)