Could Religious Disaffiliation Drive People Toward Occult Practices?

By this point, most people have heard of the term “nones,” which refers to religiously unaffiliated individuals who claim to be agnostic, atheist, or “nothing in particular.” Have you ever considered that religious disaffiliation might be the very first step a person might take on the path to getting trapped in occult practices? A 2023 … Read moreCould Religious Disaffiliation Drive People Toward Occult Practices?

“Celebrating” Death?

Wesley Smith is a pro-life bioethicist with the Discovery Institute who frequently writes in conservative publications like National Review. A recent essay was titled: “Assisted-Suicide Death Ceremonies Becoming Normalized.” People should not be surprised. In Canada, where getting a doctor to kill you (they call it “Medical Assistance in Dying,” MAID) has been legal since … Read more“Celebrating” Death?

A Spiritual Weapon for Our Time

Last week on Joe Rogan’s podcast, Mel Gibson defended the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, bringing the Shroud into the public eye once again. He’s not the only one defending Christ’s burial cloth. Dr. John Campbell, a prominent YouTube commentator on medical topics—especially on malpractice inherent in the Covid vaccination regime—recently changed course to … Read moreA Spiritual Weapon for Our Time

Lennon’s “Imagine” and Carter’s Ignorance

A pollster once made the statement that he had found in his work that voters were “very stupid.” A colleague tried to defuse the remark by saying the issue was that people answered opinion poll questions, “in the context of their ignorance.” The phrase came to mind when I learned that President Carter had requested … Read moreLennon’s “Imagine” and Carter’s Ignorance

Nosferatu: Old-World Devils and New-World Victims

Catholics don’t have much cause to go to the movies—and Robert Eggers’ remake of the classic silent film Nosferatu is at once an argument for and against this. Eggers presents a hauntingly beautiful film about horrifically ugly things and, in so doing, makes a compelling case to retain a spiritual center in a world where … Read moreNosferatu: Old-World Devils and New-World Victims

Trump’s Push for CanMerica: Is This for Real?

President Trump has been trolling the Canadian government hard as of late about making Canada a new state; at least, we think he’s trolling… But his rhetoric has become more intense in recent days, with him claiming on Tuesday that he would acquire Canada by “economic force.” He stated this in response to a question … Read moreTrump’s Push for CanMerica: Is This for Real?

See No Evil

The newly appointed archbishop of Washington, D.C., Robert McElroy, says that the Church has learned more about human sexuality since the days of St. Paul and that, armed with this knowledge, we can now interpret Paul’s strictures against homosexual behavior as applying only to its abusive forms in ritual prostitution and pederasty but not to … Read moreSee No Evil

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